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  1. StatsAmare

    Navarre prediction

  2. StatsAmare

    Marion is creating mismatches

    Marion's a monster.:cool:
  3. StatsAmare

    Passive Amare?

    it seems like after Amare got those 5 assts. he's trying to work on that part of the game more. He saw the game shawn was having and tried to feed the ball more. I think that's much smarter than trying to fight through a double/tripple team defense. I doubt he'll be doing that in tougher western...
  4. StatsAmare

    STAT InsideHoops Interview

    well at least he didn't beat the guy up or get drunk and drive to the hotel or ask for time off to play video games. hey , he's kind of booring, huh?:wave:
  5. StatsAmare

    Cardinals playoffs hopes get better as Lions and Bears lose!

    :StatsAmarecrosseshisfingersinhopeofacardinalswin: ;)
  6. StatsAmare

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    i think i got a...... yep, warm fuzzy:O
  7. StatsAmare

    One Problem With Suns

    Numbers G 11 Gs 0 Mpg 20.1 Fg%.407 3pt%.259 Ppg 6.4
  8. StatsAmare

    Why did we get Q again?

    Q has respect of other team, for now, but you can see teams attitude is going from, watch out for him, gaurd close on the perimeter, to , let him shoot it from there. He's ready for the bench. Like mike says, he's pressing.
  9. StatsAmare


  10. StatsAmare


  11. StatsAmare

    Updated Injury Report- Things looking better for Cardinals!

    I don't care who you are, that $#!t's funny!
  12. StatsAmare

    What is more important on offense: Great skilled players or a great offensive line?

    I wouldn't know; I only watch Cardinals games. just kiddin
  13. StatsAmare

    What is more important on a thread.. A good avatar or signature

    Hey VB, I don't know if your doing sigs now or not, I love my avatar(shamless @$$ kissing goin on). If your doing sigs, sign me up. I did my own but had to get rid of it. Too offensive?
  14. StatsAmare

    Suns Vs Lakers

    Is it 7:00p.m.? Huh,Huh is it 7:00 I'm ready!!
  15. StatsAmare

    Emmitt on MNF?

    i personally don't care if Emmit stays in dallas on monday and doesn't come back until saturday night, as long as he gets across the goalline on sunday. We must admit, we wouldn't be 4-5 without him. I just want the cards to win.:O
  16. StatsAmare

    Captione de photoe....

    I know.... We're all scared,son.
  17. StatsAmare

    Wide Receivers are Frustrated

    Not a blithering idiot, just stubborn.:wave:
  18. StatsAmare

    Marion will be guarding Dirk

    This is absolute!!! If Steven Hunter is only as good a defender as Jake, but can block shots too, he will be great for us. Not only in proper allignment for amare and marion(which is argueably the best 3-4 tandem in basketball((maybe i'm bias)) but I think if given the chance Hunter would have a...
  19. StatsAmare

    Pics from The Tailgate-Game...Cards vs Giants

    I gotta play hookie from work and get out there. i'm sick of listening while sittin' at my desk when there's beer bongs and and kick @$$ partying goin' on! Nice pics.:cheers:

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