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  1. B

    Milos Vujanic

    Wow! Now these are the words that need some serious back up. Just to mention Papaloukas (GRE, CSKA Moscow, Euroleague Final MVP), Lakovic (SLV, Panathinaikos Athens) and Navarro (ESP, Winthertur Barcelona). I believe Suns has already dropped Vujanic and they're 100% right about that.
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    About Lampe

    Yes, he's still 21. He was only 18 when he came to the League from overseas and i believe he was simply killed by the expectations (projected Top 5, at worst Top 10 pick, Nowitzki comparisons etc). He's got skills, but it all depends on whether he grew up mentally.
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    Next Year For Point Guard

    My vote goes to Milos. I'm not at all convinced he's got what it takes to be an NBA-format PG, however, vast majority of you seem pretty sure about that so I'd like to give him a chance and settle it once and for all :)
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    Casey going to Hornets

    The bad thing about trading Lampe is not that Suns lose a quality player, cause they don't. This kid would never improve without more playing time - which he would not get in Suns - and he would end up as a 9-10th player in the rotation at very best. No, letting Lampe go is not a great loss at...
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    VUJANIC, MILOS stats

    It depends on which arena you are in :) if you feed a guy in the paint with the ball and he gets fouled on his missed layup attempt, some will write down an assist immediately, some will wait until at least one free throw is made and some will demand two point from the line. And more than...
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    New Member

    Personally I prefer Kirilenko (gotta love this guy, his a better, upgraded version of KG :p) and Peja, but in general Dirk is said to be the best Euro player in the game. I was very surprised to see that the European edition of NBA Live 2k5 had Gasol on it's cover instead of him. Sabas also...
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    New Member

    He can't play PG in offense, but he also cannot guard opposing SG which means he needs a strong, athletic PG capable of defending shooting guards. In offense he could use some screens, forcing the opposition to switch on him and guard him with their PG but I don't think it's worth it, if you...
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    New Member

    I've been watching his Euroleague games closely since he joined the competition in 2001. I may have missed him playing once or twice in 01/02 season and same in 02/03, then I've seen his every EL game since his move to Bologna. I also saw him live once and found out he was only a little bit...
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    New Member

    Disagree. Vujanic has a great touch, he can score from anywhere on the court and he could easily switch from 625cm to 715cm 3p-shooting distance. However, he has no court vision, he doesn't have that 'team first, me later' attitude which makes a great playmaker. He loses his head to often, too...
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    Official Game Thread: Suns at Sixers

    It seems Vroman and Voskuhl combined 2 points (1-of-6 shooting) and 5 rebound in 25 minutes. Wow! Impressive! I bet Lampe would do ten times better than that.
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    Camp Pictures

    He was born in Poland in 1985, then in 1990 his family moved to Sweden. He's a Pole but one can say he grew up in both Poland and Sweden. PS. He was supposed to be a hockey player, as it's a national sport in Sweden. Try to imagine this kid on ice, a pure disaster :D
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    Camp Pictures

    Wow, at least one person at this forum that actually knows it :-)
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    Is the Bronze medal a "loser" medal for the US Men's basketball team?

    Hold on a second, wasn't James Naismith Canadian? :)
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    USA vs Lithuania for Bronze

    So? If the whole thing is that easy, cannot US team do the same? Oh, I forgot, they don't know how to shoot... But wait, why don't they guard any closer behind the 3pt line? Just let those damned Lithuanians drive if 3s are all they have.
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    USA vs Lithuania for Bronze

    They make 3s cause they get good looks thanks to a great screens and passing. And this game is all about passing ant shooting, that IS fundamental basketball.
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    USA vs Germany

    We both know that winning Spanish Championship with FCB or German C'ship with Alba isn't anything extraoridinary - even we could do that ;) What I wan't to say is not that he's a poor player, but he's not as good as it is believed. He wasn't even able to fight his way to the first five through...
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    USA vs Germany

    Geez, forget that guy. He's just a mid-european level center, with neither athleticism nor post-up moves. Not another Dirk, definetely ;) not an NBA material for sure, not even a top-half Euroleague team starter.
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    Could You give us the source, please? There is not a single player in Europe that gets 2M per year and trust me, I know what i'm talking about. Very few players (f.e. Bodiroga) get more than 1.5M and remember that Vujanic had only one decent season. Sorry for mistyping, I seem to be totally...
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    Impossible. There are only few guys in Europe that earn more than 1M, most of them playing in the Russian Superleague. I think Milos gets no more than 1.5M for a two-years deal, and 1.2 sound even more probable. Suns could have him for 0.5M salary plus 1.5M buyout.
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    What's up with Lampe?

    Off topic - field shooting Just a quick off-topic... I was getting more and more concerned about Lampe's fg percentage this summer, but now it seems he's not the only one in Suns having problems with that. He went 4-of-17 from the field against Seattle, but Barbossa was ice cold as well with...
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    What's up with Lampe?

    That'a a really nice one, mate :-) Lampe averages around 13ppg and 6rpg in less then 27 minutes in the Summer League so far, I think these are quite a numbers for a 19-years-old. Everything he lacks goes with experience so just give him more minutes in the league and watch his game skyrocketing...
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    Worst Bench in the League

    Don't know where you take that numbers from. Vujanic scores over 17ppg and last season he averaged over 25ppg.
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    Lampe will be a better center than the Suns have had in a long time...

    Yap, that's true. Due to his lack of athlecism Lampe feels more comfortable outside, where he can take advatage of his quickness and ball handling over his defender. It not only lets him drive, but also creates some space under the rim for big guys to direct the passes to. Lampe was a good...