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  1. J

    D Washington

    Tell me why with his speed size he has not been tried at outside lb
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    Throw it down, your starting line ups for the Opener

    París lenon is starting
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    CKW stop talking to the media!!!!

    Listen the man said he thought blackjack was cool
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    Cuts Have Been Made

    Naw I want Johnie Roland
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    Dumbest thing an announcer has said this pre season

    You are 100% right and being a jersey guy like yourself ill bet you miss listning to marty glikman caol the cardinal giants games he was the best
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    Breaston Update

    Just asking hes no longer a cardinal why the update
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    Anyone planning on East Coast Cardinal Games

    Ill be at the eagle game its an hour away
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    Anyone planning on East Coast Cardinal Games

    Ill be at the eagle game its an hour away
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    Patrick Peterson

    It seems to me that he has the mindset that its preseason i dont want to get hurt , you can tell hes not going all out
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    Preseason Week 2: Arizona Cardinals @ Green Bay Packers Thread

    Max hall looks like billy barty in a football uniform
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    Preseason Week 2: Arizona Cardinals @ Green Bay Packers Thread

    Omg we compleated a screen pass
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    Cardinals' Personnel: Concerns and Suggestions

    I dont get all this Stewart Bradley this and that he lost his job at philly was on the bench and now he is going to be this outside pass rusher.... come on
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    Favorite Cardinals Win

    St louis cardinals 38 dallas cowboys 0 what a game Jim Hart the cowboys worst loss ever lol;)
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    If you were the GM, in retrospect

    Success.... Anthony Bell. lb michigan st i knew something was wrong when at the draft when his name was called sc had no film for him. I thought Tom Knight was going to be good
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    With a 10-win season...

    It just seems he wants everything done his way or no way,i know the players get paid alot and they should do what they are told but you never hear any player say anything good about him,at least i havent
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    You knew I would say this don't like PP returnking KO's

    Big diffrence between punt returns and kickoffs speed much greater on kickoffs
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    You knew I would say this don't like PP returnking KO's

    I remember a few years ago watching giants cornerback jason seahorn blow out his knee returning a kickoff he was never the same,
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    I love Williams

    I liked the win,but our offensive line is offensive
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    Adrian Wilson injured

    Here we go again!...... last year he played hurt and look how bad he was now here we go again, I had something to say about this yesterday and got jumped on look I get it you guys like aw a lot that's ok , but you have to Stop thinking in the past he is not a kid anymore having a older player...
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    How is Peterson Looking?

    And Roger Wherlie....I know I spelled that wrong
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    Adrian Wilson injured

    Jerseygirl I ment no harm sometimes the jersey city in me comes out. Some people don't want to face it when there stars don't have it anymore,
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    Adrian Wilson injured

    Lol you do to sound like a little bitch
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    Adrian Wilson injured

    As bad as he looks covering people I don't see it ....seems to me he is at the point in his career where he talks a better game then he plays
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    Keeping an eye on Cardinals' Ryan Williams

    [QrUOTE=JeffGollin;2488252]One dimension in a Cardinal RB I haven't seen for a long, long while is that proverbial "ability to make the first guy miss" after taking the handoff. More than most teams, our RB's seem to get tackled, tripped up or slowed down in the backfield far too often. If...
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    Keeping an eye on Cardinals' Ryan Williams

    Question are the cardinals ever Going to throw a screen pass to there backs