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  1. I

    ARTICLE: Dirk's MVP = Lame

    The award is based on the regular season, and based on the regular season you can't really say he wasn't at least deserving. Sadly now the award is more of an embarrassment than an honor for Dirk. I watched the clip of the conference and it seemed like he was very self defeated in accepting the...
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    Robert Horry: Portrait of an Ass-Clown

    Anyone remember him trying to take a bite out of Stackhouse's arm in last years playoffs?
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    Maverick Fans cannot take criticizm

    For the record isn't the best board. I think is much better. You won't be banned there for having a different opinion, in fact there's a suns fan who posts there quite regularly.
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    Admisssion From A Jealous Mavs Fan

    I appreciate the opinions given by you Suns fans, and it appears this is a very knowlegable forum with people who look at things objectively and not entirely through Suns orange colored glasses. While my team was ousted by the #8 seed, I don't think it's time to overreact blow things up. It...
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    Admisssion From A Jealous Mavs Fan

    - What is the Mavs identity? - Who is calling the shots? The identity question is a good one, especially now. This was a team that was built around Dirk as the star player and leader, but now I really have serious doubts as to whether he's cut out for that role. I'm not saying he still isn't a...
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    Admisssion From A Jealous Mavs Fan

    No doubt Cuban messed up on Nash, and to make matters worse he gets ousted by his old nemisis Nellie in round one.
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    Admisssion From A Jealous Mavs Fan

    After my team went down in possibly the most embarrassing upset in NBA playoff history I have to finally admit something. Cuban screwed up by letting Nash walk. I realize this isn't something I have to convince you Suns faithful of, but as a hardcore Mavs fan I've been in denial since that...
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    STAT calls Spurs "dirty"

    Here's an opinion from an impartial point of view. I'm actually a Mavs fan, so originally I passed this off as Amare being a whiner, but after watching the video of the accusation, it's clear that Bowen's intent was to cause injury. I don't know if this link has already been posted but here it...
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    Do the Suns want the Mavs to face the Warriors???

    Doesn't look like the Suns want any part of the Warriros after last night either. Seriously though, the Mavs or Suns would have no problem with the Warriors in the playoffs. It's just an entirely different animal than the regular season, and I'm betting the Warriors will fold like a cheap lawn...
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    Do you think Nash still has a chance to win the MVP Award?

    Duncan isn't near the defender he once was, still adequate, but not a dominant defender. He's still a very good low post scorer, and can still be unstoppable. Dirk isn't a great defender, but has made improvements and isn't near the liability he once was. He doesn't have a back to the...
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    Is Shawn Marion the Next Larry Bird?

    Marion is a freak athelete, and hustles big time, but I think we can all agree you don't want him taking the last second shot. The numbers might be close, but that's about all.
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    Is it me or.....? Refs. blow!

    It's you!
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    Is it me or.....? Refs. blow!

    Cuban is the last guy Stern wants to hand a championship trophy to. I just don't understand where all this conspiracy crap comes from involving Cuban and the Mavs. You can pick the officiating apart any time you lose, but in reality it's very rarely the reason why.
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    The Official Jason Terry is a Punk Thread

    Tim Thomas showed who the biggest punk on the floor is!
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    Howard is the differnce

    Sayingthat Dirk's game has a low impact is a ridiculous statement. Howard is a great player, but Dirk is handsdown the MVP of the playoffs so far. Take him off the Mavs roster and see what a difference it makes!
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    Howard Suspension?

    Tim Thomas is a nothing but a big wuss. He talks a big game, but that's about it. He proved he's nothing more than a punk by walking through the Mavs huddle. The only tough guy the Suns have is out with a calf injury.