To be honest, I did call that the Lakers are the toughest team to beat when they made the Gasol trade.
But the main reason is because of Lamar.
Lamar once, Gasol came in as the third guy. Became more comfortable, his 6'10 wide frame and uncanny skills is HUGE for the Lakers.
People saying wait til Bynum comes back.... well, that would mean Radman or Odom would be off the bench. Or Bynum off the bench.... still HUGE lineup, but Odom's skill set and Gasol's skill set together on the court with Bryant is the one reason Phil Jackson can get as much out of the bench in Vujacic, Farmar, Fischer etc... Just great vision with those 3, uncanny facilitating skills from Gasol and Odom.... plus both are HUGE players...
Bynum with Gasol is not as good as Odom + Gasol, because Bynum needs room to operate, with Gasol, you have to compensate Bynum if both are on the same time, meaning Gasol might have to play up top more to free the key for Bynum. Gasol can pass, but his 7'0 and nice skills is taken out away from the 5-feet range.
Odom and Gasol with Kobe running the ball handling makes them so good..
Its a shame, that Odom might be leaving this off season.... I think that would be a BIG blow to the Lakers offense.