You expect anything less after THAT episode?!
No, just frustrated I can't talk on that site, which is by far the best Lost forum out there. I've gotten in for a bit though...
You expect anything less after THAT episode?!
if they actually provide answers that make relative sense to all the ridiculous answers they've posed, this will go down as the greatest Sci-fi show of all time.
that being said, I don't believe there's a chance in hell they're able to pull it off. they've dug so deep, that I don't know how they ever get out of the wormholes they've created, but i'll love watching them try.
some random thoughts:
I was a little verklempt when Charlie died. In a perverted Lost way, it was a twist, since Lost rarely does the expected.?
No, I don't think so at all...I think they know everything they are doing.
It is just all making sense to me...they didn't dig a hole, we are just getting deeper into the story.
Like they said...the two skeletons in the first episode will PROVE to you that they knew what they were doing from the start.
mike, sorry to tell you, but I know for a fact that didn't have a clue where they were going half way through season 1.
A fact? Are you a writer or producer?
I know that they knew what was going on the entire least, an outline.
Where is this fact?
A fact? Are you a writer or producer?
I know that they knew what was going on the entire least, an outline.
Where is this fact?
By the way Cheese, didn't meant to sound like a snot
Tired, need to go to bed![]()
you know that third guy who comes up in the credits where it says CREATED BY but isn't Abrams or Lindelof? Yeah. That's my boss and one of my best friends - his name's Jeff Lieber.
trust me - whatever they're saying now - they're LYING. At least up to the point where Locke was shown to be in a wheel-chair before he got to the island, they had NO CLUE where the show was going.
it's a FACT.
that being said, neither of us have any idea where this show is going now, but trust me, the first half of the first season, NOTHING was set in stone. it was a spaghetti throwing contest in the writer's room apparently.
you know that third guy who comes up in the credits where it says CREATED BY but isn't Abrams or Lindelof? Yeah. That's my boss and one of my best friends - his name's Jeff Lieber.
trust me - whatever they're saying now - they're LYING. At least up to the point where Locke was shown to be in a wheel-chair before he got to the island, they had NO CLUE where the show was going.
it's a FACT.
that being said, neither of us have any idea where this show is going now, but trust me, the first half of the first season, NOTHING was set in stone. it was a spaghetti throwing contest in the writer's room apparently.
So when they are saying the skeletons that were there were there for a reason and when we find out why, we'll KNOW they knew what they were doing from the a total lie?
Why would they do that...
And does your boss still work on the show?
It's not as random as you make it sound. Read the interview on E. For instance they already had planned the future flash with Jake and Kate from day 1. There are certain ideas and arcs they had planned from day 1.
They may not have had details per say but they knew where the show was headed. They have always had a plan.
Mike, in a writer's world, you can figure out how to rationalize ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY in a show where there literally ARE NO RULES. There's no doubt in my mind that by now, they've figured out a way to get those skeletons into the mythos - they're great writers and they will have had 5 years to figure something out. They were just figuring things out the first half of the season, like I said, throwing as much crap against the wall to see what would stick and figuring they could figure it out later.
and no - my boss doesn't still work on the show. it's a VERY long story and not one I want or care or even should get into.
just trust me about the first half of season one and how much "they knew" where they were going. After that, I have no idea what happened.
It's not as random as you make it sound. Read the interview on E. For instance they already had planned the future flash with Jake and Kate from day 1. There are certain ideas and arcs they had planned from day 1.
They may not have had details per say but they knew where the show was headed. They have always had a plan.
Please link the interview, because I'm lazy. TYIA.
Somehow it lessens it for me to know this![]()
Some pretty good insight. Also, have you ever been to a writers pitch? I have. My half brother has worked in Hollywood since he was 18. By the time you actually get to production, writers have overall story arc. They segment each season into an arc WAY before going into production.
yeah, this really doesn't apply to Lost though. This above describes standard operating proceedure for shows that are RETURNING to the air, but it in NO WAY describes the pilot proceedure - which is what Lost went through.
The ONLY thing that matters for Pilot is just that THE PILOT. Sure, it's great if you can come in with a full bore pitch for a season or FIVE, but that ain't the way it goes most of the time and it DEFINITITELY wasn't the case with the cluster-f&*K that Lost was going into pilot.
The only focus primarily on a pilot is the pilot and then, once it gets INTO PRODUCTION, and it looks like it MIGHT gte picked up, THAT is the point that the network starts to ask you to break story for the next 6 or so episodes.
You can't even get to the pilot stage unless they have an idea where your going. It does matter. Like I said I have been to all day pitch sessions. I have seen what gets pitched for pilots/series. Sure they don't map out the entire season at that point but they still give general ideas. Once the show goes into pre-production and you start getting bean counters involved that's when you start mapping things out. You can't budget without it.