Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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I thought Hurley told them that Jacob was dead. That's how they explained how/why they brought Sayid to the temple in the first place.

Right but until then they didn't know that and I don't think anybody told them about Locke because none of them know about Locke. So they're assuming it's the bad guy but it's more likely to be Jacob?


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Right but until then they didn't know that and I don't think anybody told them about Locke because none of them know about Locke. So they're assuming it's the bad guy but it's more likely to be Jacob?

They learn Jacob is dead. Sayid dies and wakes up miraculously. My guess is they put 2 and 2 together. Perhaps they were testing him to find out if he really was Jacob. (and my guess is that he "failed" the test, meaning he isn't Jacob reincarnated) Sets the stage for a Juliet return, eh? :D j/k

Also, in the flash-sideways, think about the circumstances that brought people onto the plane, specifically Hurley, who came to Australia for an explanation about the numbers because he thought they were unlucky and ruining his life. Why would he be in Australia and on the plane then, if the numbers weren't unlucky? All of a sudden, his entire reason for being in Australia in the first place doesn't exist.


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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Also, in the flash-sideways, think about the circumstances that brought people onto the plane, specifically Hurley, who came to Australia for an explanation about the numbers because he thought they were unlucky and ruining his life. Why would he be in Australia and on the plane then, if the numbers weren't unlucky? All of a sudden, his entire reason for being in Australia in the first place doesn't exist.

Remember in Season Three flashback when they showed him buying that chicken joint only to have it destroyed by a meteor? Well Arnszszszt told us he's now the owner of the entire chain. Maybe he was in Australia on business.


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Jan 2, 2003
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OK, I'm an idiot and owe you an apology. I've been confusing Abrams with Damon Lindelof. Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have been managing the storyline, not Abrams. Sorry man.

no worries. Cuse and Damon are the brain-children of Lost. JJ directed and co-wrote the pilot and after that he's been AWOL.

Last night's episode was horrendous IMO and I'm starting to feel BSG deja vu.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
no worries. Cuse and Damon are the brain-children of Lost. JJ directed and co-wrote the pilot and after that he's been AWOL.

Last night's episode was horrendous IMO and I'm starting to feel BSG deja vu.

It did have one of the best lines Sayid has ever had:

"No, I am not a zombie."


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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Last night's episode was horrendous IMO and I'm starting to feel BSG deja vu.

It definitely had Season 3 written all over it where Others lurk about, avoid questions, hold people hostage for no apparent reason, and just aggravate the hell out of me. I think I get what they're trying to do ... they're trying to get everyone running through the jungle again, like Season 1. I'm going to be patient. The first episode was SO GOOD, so the second one was bound to be a let down at least a little bit.

The one upside is Hiroyuki Sanada as the leader of the temple Others. He's an AWESOME actor. He was in a great Japanese film called Twilight Samurai if you haven't seen it. He's just perfect for that role. Also digging John Hawks. Back when I was a kid I used to travel to Austin for the music scene and he was in a punk band called Meat Joy, though he went by Joe Bob back then. I remember seeing him on Deadwood and I had to squint at the TV for few minutes to figure out if it was really him. hehe


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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It did have one of the best lines Sayid has ever had:

"No, I am not a zombie."

Every conversation involving Hurley is gold. I could go for an entire episode where Hurley and Sawyer are forced into working together.


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Jan 2, 2003
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It did have one of the best lines Sayid has ever had:

"No, I am not a zombie."

and the food court line.

i just really don't care all that much about the others and the first post plane flash whatever it is just had me bored to tears.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
I don't think I ever got 100% invested in any of Kate's stories, so this was par for the course. To me, it was Claire much more than Kate that held my interest.


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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I don't think I ever got 100% invested in any of Kate's stories, so this was par for the course.

That's interesting, because now that you've mentioned it, I think I agree. Try as they did, they've never really made a case for me to be sympathetic to her plight. And all the things she's done in her running have compounded the fact she probably DOES belong in prison.

Sawyer has done far more to restore himself than Kate.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
That's interesting, because now that you've mentioned it, I think I agree. Try as they did, they've never really made a case for me to be sympathetic to her plight. And all the things she's done in her running have compounded the fact she probably DOES belong in prison.

Sawyer has done far more to restore himself than Kate.

I do think that Kate is a much better person since the original crash, and we are seeing that difference a bit in the alternate reality. But then we see how she is with Claire and you see some of the "old Kate".

She does however have a lot of interesting ties with the other characters, like her father being the army guy who had connections to Sayid in Iraq, Sawyer stopping at her mother's diner, and of course, Cassidy and her connection to Sawyer. I think her character is pretty polarizing, and has been since Season 1, I remember when we found out she was the fugitive it was a big deal, plus she was the first one to really befriend Jack and Sun on the beach. And she charges into things recklessly, with little regard for herself (she did that several times, like following Jack in the jungle and getting captured by Mr. Friendly, going back to the Others to "rescue" Jack, and her main goal of finding Claire).

In many ways, Kate is much more a hero-figure than either Jack OR Sawyer. Which of course is in direct contrast with her history of being a criminal.


Drive By Poster
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Oct 13, 2004
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Viva Las Vegas!
That's interesting, because now that you've mentioned it, I think I agree. Try as they did, they've never really made a case for me to be sympathetic to her plight. And all the things she's done in her running have compounded the fact she probably DOES belong in prison.

Sawyer has done far more to restore himself than Kate.

Kate is like that really hot chick you got involved with in your early twenties who was just amazingly messed up, and it takes like months to realize that the envy of your friends is not worth the drama. Because drama doesn't always translate into "interesting".

For years, I've felt that Kate's appearances are a quick application of the show's brakes, and last night was no exception. (of course brief flashes of nudity could certainly overcome my previous objections :devil:)



4 Food groups: beans, chili, cheese, bacon
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May 20, 2002
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Kate is like that really hot chick you got involved with in your early twenties who was just amazingly messed up, and it takes like months to realize that the envy of your friends is not worth the drama. Because drama doesn't always translate into "interesting".

For years, I've felt that Kate's appearances are a quick application of the show's brakes, and last night was no exception. (of course brief flashes of nudity could certainly overcome my previous objections :devil:)


I don't mind a little drama, as long as it's not cheap drama



Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Here is a list of a lot of the unanswered questions leading up to the end of Season 5. I haven't gone through it yet, but I'm sure everyone has some sort of theory about them... It's possible a few of them have been answered in the first couple episodes of season 6...

"Pilot, Part 1"
* How did Jack end up in the jungle, so far away from the crash site?
* Why did the plane lose all radio contact long before the actual crash?
* Why did the Monster kill the pilot?

* How was Locke's paralysis cured?
* Why did the Monster go after Locke? Why didn't it attack?
* What did Locke see when he encountered the Monster?

"White Rabbit"
* Where is Christian's body?
* What caused Jack's visions of his father, Christian Shephard? Why did they stop?

"House of the
Rising Sun"
* Who were Adam and Eve? How and when did they die?
* Why did they have black and white stones in their pockets? What happened to the stones?

* What are the whispers?

"Raised by Another"
* Why did Richard Malkin insist that Claire must raise her child by herself but then change his mind?
* Why did Malkin insist that Claire fly on Oceanic Flight 815?

* How is Walt special?

* What was the Tampa Job?

"Born to Run"
* Who sent Kate the letter telling her about her mother being treated for cancer in hospital?
* How does Walt know about the hatch Locke is trying to open? Why does he warn him not to do it?

"Exodus, Part 1"
* How did the Black Rock come so far inland?

"Exodus, Part 2"
* Why did the Monster become aggressive toward Locke instead of letting him go like last time?
* Where was the Monster taking Locke?

Season 2

"Man of Science, Man of Faith"
* How is Walt able to appear to Shannon?

* How did Alvar Hanso and the DHARMA Initiative discover the island?

"The Other 48 Days"
* Whose glass eye does Libby find in the Arrow station?

"What Kate Did"
* What is the nature of Kate's horse?
* Why was part of the orientation film cut out and hidden in the Bible in the Arrow station?

"The 23rd Psalm"
* Why didn't the Monster attack Mr. Eko?
* How did the Monster flash the memories of Mr. Eko?
* How did the Beechcraft came to the Island?

"One of Them"
* What was "Henry" doing or where was he going when he got caught by Rousseau?

* Why are supplies still being dropped on the Island after the purge?
* How was the supply drop accomplished without anyone noticing it?
* What were the loudspeakers trying to say?
* Does "Henry" have knowledge of what the button did, or what was behind the wall?
* Did "Henry" kill the original Henry Gale?

* Why was Libby a patient at Santa Rosa?

* How did the island heal Locke's paralysis and Rose's cancer?

"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"
* Why was Desmond dishonorably discharged from the British Army Royal Scots regiment?
* What is the origin of the four toed statue? What happened to the rest of it?
* Why are the pneumatic tube containers from The Pearl dumped in the middle of the jungle?
* Why did the sky turn purple?
* How did Penelope know to look for a magnetic anomaly?

Season 3

"Further Instructions"
* Who are the skeletons in the Polar Bear Cave?
* Where did the toy truck come from?
* How did Locke and Eko escape the Hatch implosion?
* Why did Locke go temporarily mute?
* What happened to Desmond's clothes after the implosion?

"The Cost of Living"
* Why did the Monster kill Mr. Eko?
* What did Eko mean when he said "You're next"?
* What happened to Yemi's body?

"I Do"
* What is Jacob's list? Who is on it?

"Enter 77"
* What is the significance of the Russian letter in Mikhail's typewriter?
* Why were the override functions in The Flame hidden behind a virtual game of chess?

"Left Behind"
* What were the flashes of light as the monster approached Juliet and Kate?

"One of Us"
* Why do pregnant women die on the island?
* Did Jacob really cure Rachel's cancer or did Rachel's cancer never come back in the first place?
* How is Mikhail able to access all the information about Flight 815 passengers?

* How did Naomi get a copy of the photograph and why was she carrying it?
* What is Brother Campbell's relationship to Ms. Hawking?
* What is the relationship between the monastery and Penny's father?

* Why is the room in the Staff hidden?
* What equipment was Mr. Paik providing to the Hanso Foundation?

"The Man Behind the Curtain"
* What was the shaking during the incursion by the hostiles when Ben was in class?
* What was the manifestation of Ben's dead mother?
* Who initiated the Purge?
* What happened to Annie?
* How did Ben become the leader of the Others/hostiles?
* Why does Richard appear not to age; how old is he?

"Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"

* What is the Temple, and why are the Others going there?
* What was Bonnie and Greta's supposed assignment in Canada?
* Who is the musician that programmed the jammer?

Season 4
"The Beginning of the End"
* How is the cabin able to move?
* How is Lewis able to see Charlie?

"Confirmed Dead"
The Past
* What is the nature of Miles' abilities?
* Why did Seth Norris replace Frank as Flight 815's pilot?
The Island
* Why doesn't the sunlight scatter quite right on the Island?
* When and where was the photo of Ben taken?

"The Economist"
The Island
* Who is the R.G. on Naomi's bracelet?
* Why was there a 31 minute, 20 second difference between the timers?
* Why is Jacob's cabin not where Locke expects it to be?

"The Constant"
The Past
* What is contained within the ledger of the Black Rock's first officer?
The Freighter
* What is the nature of the time differential between the Island and the outside world?

"The Other Woman"
The Past
* What was the cause of Goodwin's 'chemical burn' injury?
* Why did Goodwin lie about his injury?
The Island
* How does Harper suddenly appear and disappear into the jungle?
* What does Penny know about her father's research?
* Who is the man being beaten by Widmore?
o Who shot the video?
* How is Harper in contact with Ben?
* Who made Daniel's map?

"Ji Yeon"
The Freighter
* Whose blood was on the wall of Desmond and Sayid's new room?
The Future
* Why is Hurley so glad to hear no one else is coming?

"Meet Kevin Johnson"
The Past
* How was the Island "not allowing" Michael to commit suicide?
The Island
* Why is the Temple only for the Others?

"The Shape of Things to Come"
The Future
* Why can't Ben kill Widmore?

"Something Nice Back Home"
The Future
* How is Christian appearing to Jack?
The Island
* Why does Christian appear to Claire?

"Cabin Fever"
The Past
* How did Richard get to the mainland?
* What happened during Abaddon's walkabout?
The Island
* Why are Christian and Claire in his cabin?
* Why was Claire so calm and nonchalant?
* Why did Christian ask Locke not to tell anyone that he saw Claire in the cabin?

"There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
The Island
* Why are the Others wearing their rustic garb?
The Future
* What plans does Sun have for her father's company?
* Why are Charlie, Boone and Libby named as the three other survivors?

"There's No Place Like Home, Part 2"
The Island
* Why does Miles decide to stay on the Island?
* What is the nature of the frozen wheel?
* Why does the Orchid tape begin to rewind itself?
The Future
* Why do the Oceanic Six, as well as Locke, have to return to the Island?

Season 5
"Because You Left"
* Who built the frozen wheel and how did it end up buried behind a wall of rock?
* Why does Daniel feel that the rules of time do not apply to Desmond?
* Who were the men who tried to capture Sayid and Hurley?

"The Lie"
* Ben asked Jill if Gabriel and Jeffrey had checked in yet. Who are they?
* What is Ben's relationship with Ms. Hawking?
* What did Ben put in his bag?

* How did the U.S. Army find the Island?
* Why can't Desmond remember what year it was he visited Daniel Faraday?
* Who else visited Daniel Faraday's office before Desmond?

"The Little Prince"
* Who ransacked the beach camp?
* Who were the pursuers in the outrigger?
* Who sent the package to Sun?
* Who was Sayid's assailant at the hospital and why did he have Kate's address?
o How did he know Sayid was there?

"This Place Is Death"
* Why did the Smoke Monster attack the French team?
* Why was the French team so well armed?
* What happened to Robert, Brennan, Lacombe and Montand beneath the Temple?
* How does Robert know that the Monster is "protecting the temple"?
* Why is the Monster "protecting the temple"?
* What has Ben done to keep the Oceanic Six safe?
o Who has he been keeping them safe from?
* Why was Locke chosen to move the Island?
o What was Ben's motivation for taking John's place?

* What is Eloise Hawking's connection to the Lamp Post station?
* How did the U.S. Army Island photo come to be posted at the Lamp Post?
* Who is the man who predicted the Island's movements?
* How is it possible to predict the Island's movements if it has been moved manually?
* What does the Island still want with Desmond?
* Why do those returning to the Island need to recreate the circumstances of their first arrival?
* How did Jack, Hurley and Kate get from the plane to the Island?

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
* How did Rousseau's and Daniel's maps of the Island end up at the Hydra station?
o Who wrote the hieroglyphs on Daniel's map and why?
* What is the war that Widmore says its coming?
* How does Charles Widmore know what is going to happen in the future of the island?
* What makes Locke so "special" that he needs to be on the island?

* What time period were they in when they saw the giant statue?
* What is the nature of the Truce between the DHARMA Initiative and the Others?
* What is the significance of Paul's ankh necklace?
* Why are women unable to carry a child to term later in the Island's history?
* How did Richard bypass the sonar fence?
* Why do the Others want Paul's corpse?


* Why are the Numbers heard in the cockpit?
* What is the journey that Christian tells Sun she has ahead of her?

"He's Our You"
* What authority did Ilana have to take Sayid on a flight in handcuffs?
* What danger did Widmore's associates pose?

"Whatever Happened, Happened"
* What is it at or about the Temple that is capable of healing Ben?
o Why would this process cause Ben to lose his memory and innocence?

"Dead Is Dead"
* How did Ethan become a member of the Others?
* Where did Locke go when he left the Barracks?
* What is the significance of the carving beneath the Temple?

"Some Like It Hoth"
* Why and when did Daniel leave the Island?
* Why did Chang want Alvarez' corpse brought to the Orchid?
* Who killed Felix and took the documents he carried, about the faked Oceanic 815 crash?

"The Variable"
* What is the nature of the falling-out between Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore?
* How and when did Eloise leave the Island?
* How did Daniel learn the historical details about the Swan?
* What does Faraday mean when he says that Jack doesn't belong there?

"Follow the Leader"
* Why are some of the Others at the Temple?
* In what manner did Richard watch the survivors in 1977 die?
* Why was Richard hesitant to bring Locke to Jacob?

"The Incident, Parts 1 & 2"
Jacob's Enemy
* Who is he?
* Why does he want to kill Jacob?
* Why does he need a loophole to kill Jacob?
* How does Jacob "bring" people to the Island?
* Why does Jacob bring "these" people to the island?
* What is Jacob trying to prove his enemy wrong about?
* Why did Jacob choose to visit each person at these particular moments of their lives?
o How does he possess foreknowledge of these events?
o Why does he physically touch each one of them?
* How does Jacob prevent Richard from aging?
* Why wasn't Ben allowed to see Jacob although he was the leader?
* Why didn't Jacob act to defend himself?
The Cabin
* Who broke the circle of ash around the cabin and when did it happen?
* Why and when did Jacob leave the cabin?
o Who has been using the cabin?
* Why did Ilana order the cabin to be burned?
* How do Ilana and her followers know so much about the island?
* What is her connection to Jacob?
o Why was she heavily bandaged?
* What is Frank a candidate for?
o Why is he a candidate?
* Is the sailing ship on the horizon the Black Rock?
* Who are the "they" that are coming?


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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In many ways, Kate is much more a hero-figure than either Jack OR Sawyer. Which of course is in direct contrast with her history of being a criminal.

Do you think her heroism is plausible given her past? I think killing her stepfather would have been much more forgivable if they had demonstrated just how bad he was. I could get on board with that. But the storyline that she did it for her mother was harder for me to grasp onto, and how she did it was so violent.

I guess that's why Locke's and Jack's stories are more appealing. I can recognize their impulses. Kate ... she wants to be the hero, but her solutions aren't self-sacrificial. Maybe I'm forgetting something in her storyline, though ...


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Do you think her heroism is plausible given her past? I think killing her stepfather would have been much more forgivable if they had demonstrated just how bad he was. I could get on board with that. But the storyline that she did it for her mother was harder for me to grasp onto, and how she did it was so violent.

I guess that's why Locke's and Jack's stories are more appealing. I can recognize their impulses. Kate ... she wants to be the hero, but her solutions aren't self-sacrificial. Maybe I'm forgetting something in her storyline, though ...
I guess there's a fine line between heroism and stupidity, something all the characters except maybe Jin have been guilty of. :)


Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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I guess there's a fine line between heroism and stupidity, something all the characters except maybe Jin have been guilty of. :)

I thought the writers addressed that succinctly with Arnzszszszst. He got all blowed up in mid-diatribe. Never been so satisfied to see someone get blown up.


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Jun 5, 2003
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I preface this by saying I'm a "Skater" at heart, but I simply cannot get into Sawyer being all distraught over Juliet. We were given 3-4 seasons to believe in Kate/Sawyer (and even Kate/Jack) but only a few episodes with Sawyer/Juliet. Yes, they were together for 3 years in the timeline, but we only saw 1/18 of that! Give me a break!

This season feels funny to me. I don't like the Temple setting or the new guys. Next week's episode looks solid so hopefully that can bring me back. I just am a little tired of the Others taking our Losties and not giving them any answers. I know it will come in time, but it's just getting on my nerves, kinda.

I was reading the TWoP boards and there is some made hate for Kate (actually, I think most of Lost fans dislike her). I don't totally hate her, and I actually kind of liked her in this episode (minus the whole kidnapping a pregnant lady part). I didn't see her going after Sawyer as an attempt to "get him" but to try and help him/be there for him. Also, when she cried at the end I viewed those tears as tears of her knowing she missed her chance with Sawyer and that she is destined to be alone.

I am really liking Jack this season. I found him annoying during some seasons, but he's been stellar so far.

I honestly couldn't care less about Claire or her storyline. I think she's the most boring character ever. CHARLEEEY THEY TOOK MAH BAAYBEEE. She ranks right up there with Michael in annoyance factor. Edit: I will keep an open mind about her now that's she's back and apparently all Rousseu'd.

I am curious to see what "infection" is all about.

Last edited:


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Jul 7, 2004
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As a total aside, a Dogen-Ben staredown could be pretty cool.

I don't have as many of the frustrations that are being voiced here, but I do agree that the Others lack of cooperation can wear thin. They always say they can't explain things, but often there isn't actually a compelling reason for them not to. The inverse of this is all the times when Ben has said something to the effect of "you just have to trust me." It's as if the show itself is talking to the viewer, saying, "no, don't question this, just keep watching."

Why can't Dogen explain the infection to Jack? It's not that I think he should necessarily, but I'd like more insight into why they don't want to. Otherwise it starts to feel the same as when they reference the "intel" they have on the Losties: at first it was creepy because we didn't know why anyone on the island could know about people not on the island. But now it just seems like a shallow demonstration of power.

Wow, I didn't mean this to sound as critical as it does because I still really enjoy the show. But I also hated the way BSG ended, too.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Technically, Ben was Dogen's leader back in the day, so I can't wait until Ben meets up with the Temple Others. I just want to see what happens. I wonder just how much they know about anything from the time the freighter arrived to now.


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Also, when she cried at the end I viewed those tears as tears of her knowing she missed her chance with Sawyer and that she is destined to be alone.
I haven't read most of this thread, so this could be the consensus, I dunno...but I saw those tears as tears of regret for her meddling in his life and genuine sorrow for his loss.



Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
I haven't read most of this thread, so this could be the consensus, I dunno...but I saw those tears as tears of regret for her meddling in his life and genuine sorrow for his loss.


That's pretty much what I thought as well.


ASFN Lifer
Oct 19, 2002
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With Sayid I was thinking that the Temple people think he's been claimed by the bad guy because they don't know the bad guy is inside Locke and maybe Sayid has really been "claimed" by Jacob? If they didn't know Jacob was dead then they don't know about fake Locke either?
I think it's possible the bad guy/smoke monster can possess multiple bodies at the same time. Also, the fact that the water wasn't clear when they put Sayid in has to bear some significance. Perhaps that's how the bad guy had been able to infiltrate the temple, bypassing the defenses.

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