Cheese, i commend you for your balanced approach and research.
but as evidenced by those quotes on Watson and Igor, the hyperbole swings heavily on one side.
i don't think anyone has or would use the words "complete failure" so that's a bit of hyperbole in itself
as i said before, all any of us are doing is speculating.
but when myself, and others, offer details on our positions, they are rarely refuted in any detail
and often responded to with insults (see how many hits you get on "ridiculous", "absurd", "inane", "troll", etc..)
"he's horrible" is also something i've never read here
maybe consider not "reacting" to every critical post because, yes, there are going to be hundreds over 82 games with any NBA team -- especially the losers
and because within a year or 2 (not 10 years from now), when Igor's not coaching anymore either,
someone's going to pull up your Igor quote as well (and it might be me
