Sounds good. I’ll hit you up next month at some point. Hope you’re enjoying retirement.
Not doing a lot but honey do projects that have been years in the making. I complained in another thread that I pulled my shoulder out of the socket digging a hole to plant a rose bush.... lol.. Isnt that what old guys do, plant rose bushes... lol. I still work 10-15 hours a week estimating larger commercial jobs. I'm pretty much out the day to day grind...not answering the phone or scheduling the techs or dealing with pain in the ass customers or supers. I've had my fill of that madness. I do go to a jobsite occasionally just to make sure the techs are putting the right doors in the right openings. Shoot breeze with the super and make sure the job is happening the way it should. Play golf a couple days a week, make sure the humming bird feeder is full, you know, the real inportand stuff and mess with my guitar a lot. Life is good. Going to Buddy Guy concert tomorrow night. Haven't been to a concert since Covid happened. All good here.