Suns @ Pacers 1-12-16


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
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Harrisburg, PA
Its been clear for a while we are in full tank mode. You even see it with Horny and McD. Someone took the "playoffs or bust" sign down and has given the mandate to develop the young players. They are more relaxed. The pressure is off. Here is what that will mean:

1. Weird rotations. Management and coaches will try to help the vets maintain their career stats by giving them lots of minutes in some games while sitting out completely others. Younger players will get lots of minutes in games, but every once-in-a while so they will sit alot. Of course, posters here will think Horny is looney, but there is a reason. Keeping up the stat levels also helps with trade value.

2. There will be alot of DNP's due to toe injuries, the flu, food poisoning, nagging injuries, and tendonitis.

Its OK that these things happen. It will not hurt Warren or Booker to get a night off every once in a while. Better that they get alot of minutes playing sharp than develop bad habits playing fatiqued. Its an entirely different strategy.

Don't forget back spasms and groin strains.


Hall of Famer
May 15, 2006
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I watched the Indiana feed. Those guys were gushing over Booker, enough so that they would pause what they were saying whenever he took a shot, and mention how pure and effortless his shot is. "He is going to be REALLY good."


Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2014
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I watched the Indiana feed. Those guys were gushing over Booker, enough so that they would pause what they were saying whenever he took a shot, and mention how pure and effortless his shot is. "He is going to be REALLY good."

And the Suns will probably trade him before he really gets in his prime!! :p


Hall of Famer
Oct 12, 2010
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I watched the Indiana feed. Those guys were gushing over Booker, enough so that they would pause what they were saying whenever he took a shot, and mention how pure and effortless his shot is. "He is going to be REALLY good."

I watched the same feed and you're right, Buckner spoke very highly about him. But Quinn also said "I really believe Markieff is almost as good as his twin brother" so we probably shouldn't make too much of it. And he's another announcer that makes it sound like it was all on us, we betrayed him by trading his brother (he didn't actually say "betrayed").


Hall of Famer
Oct 12, 2010
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And the Suns will probably trade him before he really gets in his prime!! :p

I saw the smiley but that's one of those comments that a lot of people see truth in without any real justification. Every team trades players, even young players, including us. But we haven't been anything special in that regard.


Feb 1, 2010
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Forget his 3pt shooting, he's actually a pretty good mid range jumper too. Very happy to see this kid develop his rookie year itself. I haven't been as thrilled about a rookie's play since Amare way back.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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man, Booker's shot is just so pure. If McD gets run out of town on a rail, at least he got us that kid. He's gonna be a Klay Thompson-esque stud.


Oct 10, 2011
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He is amazing, I cannot think of a guy being in the NBA as young as he is and shooting as well... ever, there probably is someone but no one is coming to mind.

Certainly most exciting young player we've had since Amare.


Oct 10, 2011
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I've kind of grown numb to how awful Steve Albert is but that "That's a three for Devin Booker!" at about the 1:07 mark of that video was awful, even for him. Booker is a good 3 feet inside the arch.


Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
I've kind of grown numb to how awful Steve Albert is but that "That's a three for Devin Booker!" at about the 1:07 mark of that video was awful, even for him. Booker is a good 3 feet inside the arch.
He's too busy reading "New York humor from the 1950's" to pay attention to the details of the game.

Whoever thought that his personality would be at home in generic Phoenix shows lack of insight. Or would appeal to young people.

I (happily) left New Jersey for the Valley of the Suns 37 years ago and it was the best move of my life.

The best compliment I have ever received is, "You're not like the others." And my response is, "Thank you."

I actually resent that I made a major move to get away from the New York/New Jersey mentality and the Suns brought it here and put it in a high profile spot.

And, yes, an announcer more concerned with putting on a show than paying attention to details. Can you imagine if Steve Albert ever tried to do radio play-by-play? :D


Hall of Famer
May 15, 2006
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He's too busy reading "New York humor from the 1950's" to pay attention to the details of the game.

Whoever thought that his personality would be at home in generic Phoenix shows lack of insight. Or would appeal to young people.

I (happily) left New Jersey for the Valley of the Suns 37 years ago and it was the best move of my life.

The best compliment I have ever received is, "You're not like the others." And my response is, "Thank you."

I actually resent that I made a major move to get away from the New York/New Jersey mentality and the Suns brought it here and put it in a high profile spot.

And, yes, an announcer more concerned with putting on a show than paying attention to details. Can you imagine if Steve Albert ever tried to do radio play-by-play? :D

Can't stand him. My son and I just make fun of him when we get the Phx feed (at least half the games on LP). How can the management/talent handlers not see it?!!!


You talkin' to me?
Mar 11, 2014
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Can't stand him. My son and I just make fun of him when we get the Phx feed (at least half the games on LP). How can the management/talent handlers not see it?!!!

Neither can I. I actually prefer Tom "Tissue Soft" Leander to that guy. Something I thought Id never say.


Oct 10, 2011
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Neither can I. I actually prefer Tom "Tissue Soft" Leander to that guy. Something I thought Id never say.

Yeah, I was desperate for them to get rid of Leander as his catchphrases were painfully corny, but at least he was aware of what was actually taking place on the court. Albert is a disaster.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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I wish you guys wouldn't talk about Albert... I've gotten back to the point that I totally tune him out for weeks at a time. I'm working on forgetting his existence...


Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
I am curious who in the FO thought that bringing the runt of the litter from an announcing family would bring prestige to the Suns.

Of course, the Albert name lost its glitter long before that, 19 years ago.

NBC fired sportscaster Marv Albert hours after he pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor assault and battery in exchange for the prosecution dropping a forcible sodomy charge against him.


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
I wish you guys wouldn't talk about Albert... I've gotten back to the point that I totally tune him out for weeks at a time. I'm working on forgetting his existence...

It is hard to believe but Gary Bender was much worse still.

Tom Leander just does not have any credibility for it, he is just way too much of a fan and it shines through way too much to do commentary.

Why can't they get Al McCoy for television, at least the home games.


Hall of Famer
Oct 12, 2010
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It is hard to believe but Gary Bender was much worse still.

Tom Leander just does not have any credibility for it, he is just way too much of a fan and it shines through way too much to do commentary.

Why can't they get Al McCoy for television, at least the home games.

Unreal. I would have lost a lot of money on this wager. No way did I think there would be a single Suns fan that thought Steve Albert was better than Bender let alone "much". Uness the action is occuring right in front of his seat he has no idea what's transpiring. I'm all for employing the disabled but this is the wrong occupation for the vision impaired.

Albert seems like a nice guy. And for all I know he used to be great at this job. But right now the Suns play the game of basketball far better than Albert announces it. And we might not win 20 games this season.


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
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Harrisburg, PA
Whoa, hold on a second! Gary Bender was a very good play by play guy! Not only was he able to call the game without many mistakes, he also managed to keep EJ from going on tangent and wandering off topic. Bender was easily the best play by play guy the Suns have had since Al semi-retired.


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
Whoa, hold on a second! Gary Bender was a very good play by play guy! Not only was he able to call the game without many mistakes, he also managed to keep EJ from going on tangent and wandering off topic. Bender was easily the best play by play guy the Suns have had since Al semi-retired.

He made a blunder every 4 minutes.

This thread was very tame, not going to look up the rest. You can do it yourself you will find thousands of posts regarding Bender.

She bothers me too. Way too many females reporting sports. If all these women are on ESPN then whose in the kitchen?

Anyways the only reporter/broadcaster that i hate more is Gary Bender who does the play-by-play for suns games. He is such a deusche..

At the start of the game, the graphics on the screen showed him as a PF, with Frye at Center . . . but Gary Bender announced the opposite.

Dont know what is more annoying. Suns blowing another lead or Gary bender harping on blowing a lead every freaking second.:rolleyes:

I don't know how long it's been since I saw a game with Al commentating. All I get is Leander and Gary Bender. And that really bothers me.

Neither are as bad as Gary Bender, that guy sucks!

I like Scott Williams but I am not impressed with his broadcasting skills so far.

Of course then Gary Bender still has a job so......

It's Gary Bender, he's a little confused about everything.
(on Bender emphitically giving false information for tie-breaker in the standings

"Come playoff time, we could see Penny Hardaway dunking like he did earlier in his career"

- Gary Bender

After watching last nights game, I was blown away by just how many calls Gary Bender gets wrong. It got to the point where I was just laughing at how awful he was. I thought maybe we should start a drinking game for anytime he calls a game.

1. If he incorrectly states which player a foul has been called on, you take a drink.

2. If he incorrectly states which TEAM a foul is on, you take two drinks.

3. If he incorrectly states what type of call is being made, you take three drinks.

Not sure how to handle simultaneous infractions:

And we got to have everyone drink for everytime he says "And all of a sudden...."

Can anyone else think of a good rule?

I can't believe what Im reading.

First of all, I think Eddie Johnson is one of the best commentators out there. He doesn't just repeat what just happened like we didn't see it, he'll point what angle a guy has to take or whatever to prevent it from happening again. And his laugh is pretty funny too.

As far as who sux, Gary Bender is probably the worst announcer in the history of sports. Not only is he excruciatingly repetitive (and all of a sudden), he's got absolutely no clue whats going on.

"And do we have a foul?" - Gary Bender

"No, three seconds you moron". - DSF

"And theyre gonna call it out Bell" - Bender

"No..its on the other team....and Im not watching from halfcourt" - DSF.

That had me laughing out loud, because I do the same thing when I have to listen to Bender. I get so frustrated because they've already announced the call over the loudspeaker, and Bender is still trying to figure it out. Thunder Dan has to correct him a lot, and you can tell sometimes he has to pick his spots because it happens so often.

Leander just plain reminds me of a local homer who sometimes has trouble finding the line between being a homer, and being a good local broadcaster who can recognize other teams other than the Suns. He would especially drive me nuts last year when they'd swap out Dan or EJ for someone from the other team's broadcast team. All he'd do is push how good the Suns were on the other guy, and completely neglect to say more than 2 sentences about the other team.

"Raja that"

"The Suns are beginning to percalate (sp)"

"The net result"

I can't stand those phrases.

Maybe we could do a game and guess how many blunders Bender does each game. Then everyone submits their blunder examples to set the number (people who guess high will have an incentive to pay close attention")

I've always hated Bender, Leander isn't much better, though. Majerle makes up for Bender's horrific play by play.


I'd rather just have Eddie Johnson & Dan Majerle sit out there telling stories and talking about the game instead of ever having to listen to Leander or Gary Bender.

"Hall of Fame broadcaster"? Really? He's, um, not good.

I can deal with Leander. Gary Bender is the guy that drives me nuts.

I'm glad Bender is retiring... the guy missed plays multiple times every game... say there were fouls when the ball just went out of bounds, say the foul was on the wrong person, get names confused, etc. Whatever color guy he worked with seemed to have to constantly bite his tongue so he didn't correct him & embarrass him. I think the weirdest thing I ever remember hearing him talk about on air was that he showers every time after he poops... I don't know how that came up or why.

As much as I detest listening to Gary Bender he usually gives other team's players more than their fair share of first fact. Don't get me wrong. He is an enormous homer. He does usually give credit where credit is due though.

Joe Mama
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Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
Nobody is worse than Gary Bender.


You could tie me to a chair in the most surreal Kubrickian fashion imaginable, blaring Dick Vitale through a stereo set at 11, in a room with Metal walls, while getting a root canal, and it would still be better than listening to Gary Bender, even in the comfort of my own living room.

As far as Bender... I just started laughing as soon as I heard that distinct voice when I turned to TNT. I just couldn't believe he was doing a national broadcast.

How on earth did Gary Bender get a national play by play gig? He's doing the Knicks / Nets playoff game on T N T right now. I realize my hatred for his on-air ability runs deep, but I assumed (due to comments on this board) that a lot of people dislike him. What do you guys think?

need more?
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