Will Amare play before the end of the playoffs?


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Why the insults and glib remarks? Dont kill the messenger. What am I wrong about? Dont you think the Suns were looking at their own pocketbooks when talking about 4 month recovery times? All that did was put more pressure on Amare.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
pokerface said:
Chaplin you're saying or implying that his bad knee had no bearing on his good knee....I think it did because of over compensation.

You're changing your stories here. That was MY opinion when I started posting on this thread.

You dont think his rushed recovery dates had anything to do with this set back...I think it could have because he might have pushed his rehab too hard.

Sure that might be possible, but you are postulating that Amare's LEFT knee was never any good in the first place. (Or, at least you WERE postulating that until you changed your story)


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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You just dont want to comprehend what I'm saying....

I dont care if Amare had 10 holes drilled in his knee or one...and I dont care what size they were either. He had microfracture done and virtually every pro player that needed that done needed far more time to recover than 4 months. I'm not hearing anyone now stepping up saying 4 months was a realistic or safe goal.

Are you suggesting that Chaplin? You think them telling the world that Amare could or would be back in four months was prudent?
Last edited:


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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elindholm said:
It's fairly easy to tell whether an athlete has built up the muscle strength and flexibility to be ready to come back from an injury. I'm sure that the Suns staff won't let Stoudemire on the court until he passes those tests. But whether the joints are up to the stress and pounding that comes from actual game play can be determined only through "field testing." You can wait six months, or a year, or five years, and still not know. You just have to try...

No one knows what is in store for Stoudemire's knees. At this point, it is all pretty much destined, the answer buried deep within the subtleties of his joints. The Suns will have to face that destiny sooner or later and cross their fingers for a favorable outcome. But postponing the test just for the sake of crossing more weeks off of the calendar isn't going to change their odds.

I agree with your assessment of the situation.

However, this begs the question, if the second surgery was essentially just cleaning out his right knee and the left knee with the microfracture is sound, then shouldn't Amare be rehabbing or working out unless there are further complications?

The Suns have already essentially said he is out for the season, but why the hush on his progress if all is going well.

It's only natural to have questions about Amare's health when the fans see him dressed out on the bench. No one wants to push him back into play, but I would like to know how he is doing.

The silence deafening. All I know right now is that Amare was going to practice this summer with team USA. The fans deserve an answer about his progress... nothing more.

All the Suns would have to say, if he is doing well, is that Amare is on target with his rehab. When management tends to ignore talking about an issue, it is my experience, fans fear the worst. The Suns need to do a little rumor control, nothing more.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
pokerface said:
You just want to comprehend what I'm saying....

I dont care if Amare had 10 holes drilled in his knee or one...and I dont care what size they were either. He had microfracture done and virtually every pro player that needed that done needed far more time to recover than 4 months. I'm not hearing anyone now stepping up saying 4 months was a realistic or safe goal.

Are you suggesting that Chaplin? You think them telling the world that Amare could or would be back in four months was prudent?

Since you think the doctors were lying, it doesn't matter what I say.

But yes, if Amare and the doctors all say it was ok to try playing, then I will go along with that. With no medical training, I'm not in a position to say that he can't do it. It's like if I went to my own doctor and he said I could do something. I'm not going to tell him he's full of crap.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Mainstreet said:
I agree with your assessment of the situation.

However, this begs the question, if the second surgery was essentially just cleaning out his right knee and the left knee with the microfracture is sound, then shouldn't Amare be rehabbing or working out unless there are further complications?

The Suns have already essentially said he is out for the season, but why the hush on his progress if all is going well.

It's only natural to have questions about Amare's health when the fans see him dressed out on the bench. No one wants to push him back into play, but I would like to know how he is doing.

The silence deafening. All I know right now is that Amare was going to practice this summer with team USA. The fans deserve an answer about his progress... nothing more.

All the Suns would have to say, if he is doing well, is that Amare is on target with his rehab. When management tends to ignore talking about an issue, it is my experience, fans fear the worst. The Suns need to do a little rumor control, nothing more.

Why would you believe anything the Suns have to say about Amares condition at this point? Didn't they say they wouldnt bring Amare back unless he's 100%?


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Chaplin said:
Since you think the doctors were lying, it doesn't matter what I say.

But yes, if Amare and the doctors all say it was ok to try playing, then I will go along with that. With no medical training, I'm not in a position to say that he can't do it. It's like if I went to my own doctor and he said I could do something. I'm not going to tell him he's full of crap.

How many times are you going to believe Suns recovery times? Remember Penny? How many players have you seen come back in four months from microfracture??


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I dont care if Amare had 10 holes drilled in his knee or one...and I dont care what size they were either. He had microfracture done and virtually every pro player that needed that done needed far more time to recover than 4 months. I'm not hearing anyone now stepping up saying 4 months was a realistic or safe goal.

I am going to go insane.

Were the Suns trying to sell tickets by estimating Stoudemire's recovery at four months? Yes, of course. The Suns are always trying to sell tickets. They are a business, and tickets are a critical source of revenue.

Was the estimate realistic? Who knows? The microfracture knee was healed within four months, or at least as healed as it is ever going to be. Unfortunately another problem cropped up somewhere else. Was it the result of favoring the repaired knee? Who knows? Maybe, or maybe it was just some other random degeneration.

Was Stoudemire rushed back by the Suns? It seems unlikely. The whole reason that Stoudemire wears a Phoenix uniform is that he is extremely driven. That's why the Suns drafted him. It has to be killing him that he isn't a part of this run. No one wants him back on the court more than he wants to be there himself. Remember all of his quotes about how he was going to come back better than ever and be ready for the playoffs? Do you think that management made him say that? Or was it the optimistic boast of a superstar who wants to get back on the floor as soon as he can?

Remember that Stoudemire's mother was going through yet another fiasco with the law right when Stoudemire was anticipating his return. How in the hell does that reflect poorly on his knee? No wonder the poor kid was confused.

Do the Suns rush players back from injury before they are ready? There is no evidence of that. Hardaway was hopeless anyway. Kurt Thomas's "eight weeks" have stretched to three months, and no one within the organization is complaining, unless you believe the inside gossip from Gambo and Ash. When Kidd broke his collarbone, he came back fine. No one rushed Gugliotta coming back from his knee catastrophe, but unfortunately he couldn't play anymore anyway. Joe Johnson came back a couple of games later than anticipated, as I recall, and that was for his own benefit, so that he could play his way into a max contract somewhere else.

The great thing about conspiracy theories is that they cannot be disproved. They can, however, be shown to be preposterously unlikely, based on the available evidence. After that, the only hope is to appeal to rational thinking.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
The Suns have already essentially said he is out for the season, but why the hush on his progress if all is going well.

Probably to avoid distraction. They put him on the playoff roster, so they must hold out some shred of hope (or at least did a month ago).

The fans deserve an answer about his progress... nothing more.... The Suns need to do a little rumor control, nothing more.

I agree, but they're going to run the business the way they want to. So far, I can't really complain with the results this year.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Hey Eric, here's the logic... baltimorer was banned, and a few days later, pokerface starts posting like crazy. Things that make you go hmmm....

trh makes his triumphant return!


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
elindholm said:
The Suns have already essentially said he is out for the season, but why the hush on his progress if all is going well.

Probably to avoid distraction. They put him on the playoff roster, so they must hold out some shred of hope (or at least did a month ago).

The fans deserve an answer about his progress... nothing more.... The Suns need to do a little rumor control, nothing more.

I agree, but they're going to run the business the way they want to. So far, I can't really complain with the results this year.

Agreed all around, Eric.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Penny said he was rushed back. Not only that but they gave numerous false return dates.

Far as the Suns not rushing players back...surely you cant believe that. Why did Jerry feel compelled to talk to Amare after he expressed doubts about coming back this season?


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Chaplin said:
Hey Eric, here's the logic... baltimorer was banned, and a few days later, pokerface starts posting like crazy. Things that make you go hmmm....

trh makes his triumphant return!

Could be. He hasn't resorted to the adolescent, snivelling sarcasm yet, which is what usually tips me off. But yeah, the obsession with Hardaway could be a giveaway.

What tortured souls Hardaway fans are. It's like the people who can't believe Elvis is really dead, except that Elvis was actually good.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Penny said he was rushed back. Not only that but they gave numerous false return dates.

Hardaway was a crippled loser who would say anything to protect his ego. If that isn't blatantly obvious to you, no wonder you're confused.

Why did Jerry feel compelled to talk to Amare after he expressed doubts about coming back this season?

Because Stoudemire was getting bombarded from a million directions with conflicting "advice," and he respects Colangelo as a father figure.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Chaplin said:
Hey Eric, here's the logic... baltimorer was banned, and a few days later, pokerface starts posting like crazy. Things that make you go hmmm....

trh makes his triumphant return!

What did he get banned over...too much truth telling?


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Moderators, the cancer has metastasized once again. Please take appropriate action.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Yeah Amare listened to Jerry and look what happened.

Far as Penny...If he was so finished why did the Suns portray false hope over him. They kept pumping his return too.


Selfless Service
Feb 23, 2004
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Bay Area
Am I the only one that read this at the end of the AP recap of game 1???

"Stoudemire is on Phoenix's active roster and was shooting before the game"

i'm just saying, people out there have i'm sure thought about this as a possibility.


Jun 16, 2004
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Tucson, AZ
I think Amare will come back this round towards the end and I hope so. He will be fine and we are only running 7 players now. If we could get a 9 man roto going with Kurt and Amare... wed be deadly. Fresh legs constantly for running between Marion, Thomas, Thomas, Amare, Diaw, Jones for the center and forward spots.

Our rotation of starting five and then Jones and Barbosa will not work the rest of the of time. And if we lose Bell, that will really hurt us. We NEED Amare and Kurt now.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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elindholm said:
I dont care if Amare had 10 holes drilled in his knee or one...and I dont care what size they were either. He had microfracture done and virtually every pro player that needed that done needed far more time to recover than 4 months. I'm not hearing anyone now stepping up saying 4 months was a realistic or safe goal.

I am going to go insane.

Were the Suns trying to sell tickets by estimating Stoudemire's recovery at four months? Yes, of course. The Suns are always trying to sell tickets. They are a business, and tickets are a critical source of revenue.

Was the estimate realistic? Who knows? The microfracture knee was healed within four months, or at least as healed as it is ever going to be. Unfortunately another problem cropped up somewhere else. Was it the result of favoring the repaired knee? Who knows? Maybe, or maybe it was just some other random degeneration.

Was Stoudemire rushed back by the Suns? It seems unlikely. The whole reason that Stoudemire wears a Phoenix uniform is that he is extremely driven. That's why the Suns drafted him. It has to be killing him that he isn't a part of this run. No one wants him back on the court more than he wants to be there himself. Remember all of his quotes about how he was going to come back better than ever and be ready for the playoffs? Do you think that management made him say that? Or was it the optimistic boast of a superstar who wants to get back on the floor as soon as he can?

Remember that Stoudemire's mother was going through yet another fiasco with the law right when Stoudemire was anticipating his return. How in the hell does that reflect poorly on his knee? No wonder the poor kid was confused.

Do the Suns rush players back from injury before they are ready? There is no evidence of that. Hardaway was hopeless anyway. Kurt Thomas's "eight weeks" have stretched to three months, and no one within the organization is complaining, unless you believe the inside gossip from Gambo and Ash. When Kidd broke his collarbone, he came back fine. No one rushed Gugliotta coming back from his knee catastrophe, but unfortunately he couldn't play anymore anyway. Joe Johnson came back a couple of games later than anticipated, as I recall, and that was for his own benefit, so that he could play his way into a max contract somewhere else.

The great thing about conspiracy theories is that they cannot be disproved. They can, however, be shown to be preposterously unlikely, based on the available evidence. After that, the only hope is to appeal to rational thinking.

You are right, there is no evidence. However Penny Hardaway expressed publically that he felt that the Suns organization was pushing him to return earlier than he felt he was ready. Joe Johnson also stated in the offseason that he felt rushed to come back after his eye injury, when he felt that he was not ready. With JJ however, he could have been just crying foul, with all of the negative things he began saying about Sarver and the organization, but if he was not lying, it would make it two players publically express that they felt they were rushed about their injuries.

...And about Amare. I do not know when there is a heated discussion, people always begin to throw the "banned" card out there. I mean, I felt the Suns did not play well enough in the Clippers series to pull out a game 7 win. I was glad that I was wrong. I am pretty sure that pokerface would loved to be proved wrong about this issue, and love to see Amare come back tomorrow, as long as he could be sure that he would not be reinjuring his major knee (this is how I feel).

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Pokerface, are you the person who keeps sending me links to 911 conspiracy videos?

Let's drop the discussion of the banning people. I thought you guys were arguing this out pretty well until that came up in the last page or two. I don't agree with Pokerface, but he stunned nothing here to warrant being banned.


Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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After seeing Amare shoot around with the team before the game, you have to wonder if the Suns have something up their sleeve? They did leave him on the playoff roster! Why? If they knew he wouldn't come back then why leave him on the roster?

Though I don't think he is coming back you have to wonder why the Suns would do that. Are they going to spring an Amare is coming back if they make it to the Finals?? That would be a huge! Again I don't see it happening but the whole Amare is on the playoff roster didn't make sense from the start.

The most important thing is that Amare is healthy. However, I would have to say that bringing Amare off the bench at 80% to fill in some minutes is better then a healthy Brian Grant coming off the bench to fill some bench minutes.

I hope the Suns make it to the finals for us to see.

Dr. Dumas

Oct 18, 2002
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Tempe, AZ
SteelDog said:
After seeing Amare shoot around with the team before the game, you have to wonder if the Suns have something up their sleeve? They did leave him on the playoff roster! Why? If they knew he wouldn't come back then why leave him on the roster?

Though I don't think he is coming back you have to wonder why the Suns would do that. Are they going to spring an Amare is coming back if they make it to the Finals?? That would be a huge! Again I don't see it happening but the whole Amare is on the playoff roster didn't make sense from the start.

The most important thing is that Amare is healthy. However, I would have to say that bringing Amare off the bench at 80% to fill in some minutes is better then a healthy Brian Grant coming off the bench to fill some bench minutes.

I hope the Suns make it to the finals for us to see.

If the Suns were thinking about bringing Amare back, would it make more sense to bring him back for the Dallas series then the Miami series? Of course I'm jumping the gun here as Miami has not won yet.

I think that this Suns team can blow out Miami without Amare. Now if Detroit wins, then I could see the reasoning behind having Amare play some spot minutes.

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