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  1. F

    YES!!! Isaac Bruce cut!!!

    It was probably Holt. Bruce tends to handle things with class, Holt tends to whine and speak out until he gets his way. That's Big Lame for you.
  2. F

    We could have signed Drew Brees instead!

    Nope. I'll take Warner for the next few years, and a young QB for the future. We have our QB for the time being, why can't some people just accept that.
  3. F

    McCown to the Oakland?

    Good for him. Now wish him the best of luck cause he won't be a Cardinal much longer.
  4. F

    Pat Kirwan on Bentley and Brees

    I'm glad I'm not alone in this opinion.
  5. F

    Pat Kirwan on Bentley and Brees

    I agree. Drew Brees is not the only reason the Chargers have had two back to back winning seasons. Yes he was a big part of it, but people are overrating this guy just a tad, sorry.
  6. F


    No kidding. We have our QB for now, why must we continue to want to sign every available QB there is? I realize Brees is still young, but he's not going to sit on the bench for 3 years, and yes I believe Warner will start all 3 years which I know is not a popular opinion here. Draft our QB of...
  7. F

    Brees may become a free agent

    Nope. I'm sure others will load this thread with stats as to why we should though. So I figured I'd get my answer out of the way.
  8. F

    Vick Struggling

    Grow up. If you want to look like a fool and talk about the same thing over and over then go for it. And what will the end result be? Everyone will still have the same opinion and you have wasted tons of time on researching stats and arguing with folks that couldn't care less about your...
  9. F

    Culpepper for a 2nd round pick?

    No way. It wouldn't be fair to either QB, both are starting calibur players. You'd have a QB controversy all year long if one gets hurt or one plays better, etc. To much commotion would go on for a team that needs to have focus and some stability. I'd be extremely surprised if he ended up...
  10. F

    Vick Struggling

    Can't we just agree to disagree already? I mean do any of you actually think one side is going to say you know what your right, Brees is the better QB or Vick is the better QB. Nobody is going to change their mind no matter what stats you dig up. I mean isn't this thread getting a bit stale...
  11. F

    If you want to get excited

  12. F

    extend Green

    And how has that been working for us?
  13. F

    extend Green

    I'm confused. I mean is the Head Coach the missing piece to the puzzle here? I don't think Vince Lombardi could have made some of the recent Cardinals teams win. I'm not saying give Green a lifetime contract, but to me he should be given every opportunity to get the job done. Changing...
  14. F

    Vick Struggling

    Don't mind if I do. :beer: And one thing I think most of us will agree with is I hope both of these QB's struggle anytime they play the Cardinals.
  15. F

    Vick Struggling

    I didn't mean you, just this thread in general. I called you out earlier only cause you kept going on about Brees in my opinion, but don't take it personally. I speak my mind, but I don't mean it to personally knock anyone.
  16. F

    Vick Struggling

    You guys are still going on about this? You would think that the Cardinals are going to sign one of these guys the way this is getting out of hand. For those of us who aren't willing to pucker up to Brees we should just tell his supporters that he's better, maybe that will keep them quiet for...
  17. F

    Warner re-signed.

    Oh jeez. No one held a gun to the Cardinals and forced them to give him the contract. That's the deal they worked out. If you don't like it then to bad.
  18. F

    Warner re-signed.

    We? Well gee it's nice that the Cardinals have fans that help support the payroll. You guys need to quit whining about paying to much, it's not your money. For once the Cardinals kept someone they needed to keep, and it's a reasonable contract. I'm also sure Kurt will try to stay healthy...
  19. F

    If Warner signs the 3 year deal...

    Speak for yourself!! Kurt likes to live in the present and not the past. He'll always be grateful for his opportunity in St. Louis, but he'll retire a Cardinal.
  20. F

    Warner close to signing according to MJ, But..

    What a guy, he'll take less money so the team can sign another player or two in return. You think some of the QB's you guys wanted here would do that? Aaron Brooks? Heck no, he already held out for money once before in New Orleans. John Kitna? Who cares, even if he did take less money he...
  21. F

    If Warner was to throw this opportunity away...

    And we all know how contracts in professional sports should always go smoothly and quickly. If they are taking a while then the player is always the one at fault. :rolleyes:
  22. F

    If Warner was to throw this opportunity away...

    And if the Cardinals don't make him an offer is he still insane? It takes both sides to get a deal done. It's been made clear that the Cardinals have interest, and he has interest, let's let this play out instead of speculating all the time. I agree that going to Detroit would be a dumb move...
  23. F

    Ray Lewis to Arizona?

    And if Ray Lewis is unhappy in Baltimore what makes you think he'll be happy with a team that hasn't been to the playoffs since 98? I feel as much as anyone here we are heading back there sooner than later, but I don't think Arizona is on his wish list. If I'm wrong then good for him, cause...
  24. F

    Vick Struggling

    No really? I didn't know this was a message board at all. Thanks for making things clear for me. Just as he's welcome to his point I'm welcome to my point. And my point is he's made it known a dozen times that he favors Brees. Move on already. Who says that you need to share your theory...
  25. F

    Vick Struggling

    And you've made your point like a dozen times in this thread. We all get that you prefer Drew Brees, move on.

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