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  1. Maximus

    Heart broken in San Antonio for what happened to the Suns

    Whoa, this is like Rocky 4, when all the Russians turn on Drago and start pulling for Rocky. It's poetically and strikingly familiar to the story line. After intense preparation for both fighters, the two men finally meet in the ring. The match (game 6) set in Moscow (San Antonio), before...
  2. Maximus


    For somebody who feels so adamantly against the petition, you are helping the cause a lot by keeping this thread bumped to where people see it. Or I guess we could just peg it and outsource your job to technology. ;) Obsolescence bites... Maximus
  3. Maximus


    Spread the word, all. Post the link to any relevant message boards you can think of, where there are people who are incensed enough to sign it. At a bare minimum, it salved my anger level from 100 to 99.4. Well worth the 2 seconds it took to sign it. Get it done Suns! No mercy
  4. Maximus


    Not sure if anybody has posted this or not. Here is a petition to the NBA League Office. There are ~1000 signatures already. Maximus
  5. Maximus

    its official

    Beat me to it. Just saw it on SportsCenter. Pathetic...
  6. Maximus

    Piatkowski's nickname on this board?

    I think I'm going with kow-pi on this one.
  7. Maximus

    Sarver Has "Big Picture" Problems

    I just read an ESPN article grading each team's draft. Chad Ford gave Phoenix an F, stating "Apparently the Suns are a little short of cash." How embarrassing these past few drafts have been. I think that the Suns are winning in spite of Sarver, not because of him. And while his club is...
  8. Maximus

    Is Nash starting some pre Mavs psyche game?

    Suns have their hands full with the Clippers, and Nash is just a shadow of himself right now. It's a lot more than just his words, he looks tired out there. Whatever Nash has, he's leaving it out on the floor this series. No way is he looking forward to next series. But, I'd love for this 3...
  9. Maximus


    Phoenix Suns LEADERS PTS/G S Marion 21.8 AST/G S Nash 10.5 REB/G S Marion 11.8 MIN/G S Marion 40.3 BLK/G S Marion 1.7 STL/G S Marion 2.0 'nuff said.
  10. Maximus


    I've been amazed at the Marion hostility, considering all of the elements he brings to this team. I'm even more amazed that fans think that this hostility is what is driving him. Every season, this board is full of trade Marion proposals and the team never trades him. Pretty much any player...
  11. Maximus


    Yes, Marion had a bad game. But, in my opinion, he plus Nash plus Dantoni are what makes the Suns the up-tempo team they are. Without Stoudamire this year, those 3 are the only constants carried over from last year. If they trade Marion without getting speed in return, this team begins to...
  12. Maximus

    Don't hit Leandro in the face...

    I think the coaching staff is doing a brilliant job at turning LB into a an absolute predator on offense. His 3 point shooting has been brilliant this year, as is his speed and capability to drive. They have built just a deadly combination. How do you guard him?! Give him some distance to...
  13. Maximus

    Suns vs Lakers Saturday May 6, 2006 game thread

    Not if you really are pompous and arrogant.
  14. Maximus

    Do you guys think Bell will get a one-game suspension?

    He will be suspended...MARK IT. Seriously, come on. Put yourselves in Stern's shoes. If he does not suspend Raja, this series is about to reach a whole new level of physicality, and the NBA is going to look worse for allowing the cheap shots without punishment. I think the league has a...
  15. Maximus

    Suns to trade JJ for Boris Diaw and 2 future #1's

    Wow. I don't like the move. But, I do think there is a silver lining here. I love how everybody is criticizing ownership here. People criticized signing Nash, and before that, people criticized letting Marbury go for crap. I'm not saying I would make this trade, but I'm going to wait and...
  16. Maximus

    Suns looking to re-aquire Finley

    For anybody who is afraid of the Suns risk of losing their run and gun style by picking up KT, Finley is an excellent mitigation of that risk. Coach D then decides which lineup best matches the team we are playing. If we need big, we go Nash, JJ, Marion, Amare and KT. Or if we want to go...
  17. Maximus

    Tough draft, but keep hope...

    I am not new to the board, I posted a lot during last offseason and sat back and listened to you good people while they were playing. What a thrill it was to watch these Suns. I love offseason almost as much as the regular season. Teams compete year round, and this is just the second half of...
  18. Maximus

    Garnett punches Rickert

    I did. His name was Joe Kleine. Remember? :O
  19. Maximus

    Fundamentals vs. Athleticism

    Being blown out by Italy and nearly losing to Germany has validated my concerns that our game at home is beginning to suffer. This team has a lot of flashy athleticism and natural skill, and can jump through the roof, but they are weak in fundamentals. This game is still about shooting...
  20. Maximus

    USA vs Puerto Rico

    I've been impressed with Marion. He's all over the place, making plays and scoring. I'm glad we haven't traded him, and hope we don't. He really elevates his game when he's surrounded by good talent. I've been thinking a Marion for Dampier trade, but I'm having second thoughts. Marion's too...
  21. Maximus

    One more move...what's BC up to? addition, I don't think BC would have made the comment to the effect of "yeah, it's great, but I'm working on something else" if he were looking to bring a vet minimum guy on board. No WAY. If Q were the last major move for the Suns, BC would be milking it, and not saying "hold on, I'm...
  22. Maximus

    One more move...what's BC up to?

    I think we are forgetting...the magic word has been "shocking". Traylor is not shocking, and I don't think Pryzbilla is, either. With Q's contract, and with an overload at G, there's no way that the Suns go after a free agent center. There is a "shocking" trade brewing that will bring a...
  23. Maximus

    The Big Unit Travesty

    This is a travesty. For how long have the Diamondbacks, Colangelo, and Randy himself been insisting that he doesn't want to leave Arizona? The media has thrown kindling on this day after day and has been creating stories out of thin air to report that he is on the block. I saw a blurb on...
  24. Maximus

    ESPN Article on Phoenix and Damp

    (by the way, the stuff about Dampier and Phoenix is in the middle of the article) Maximus
  25. Maximus

    ESPN Article on Phoenix and Damp

    OK, you guys might be sick of me posting stuff about Dampier. What can I say...any pro athlete that responds to a fan email is a stud in my book. Anyway, in this ESPN article by Marc Stein, it talks about Phoenix liking Damp from the get go, and possibly going after him if the Clips match Q...