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  1. G

    If Leinart is not avail.. who is the next QB to take?

    Forgetting Hackney Darrell Hackney of UAB talent wise is better than all of the guys except Quinn, Young and Leinhart- he is a smaller version of Culpepper which is why Denny will love him and draft him -
  2. G

    Wake Me Up

    Lomax was such a great guy- super nice- off the field he could barely walk after games- what a warrior who never got his due-- he is the reason for grand canon- remember his poster- he signed it for me and took me in the locker room when the Giants came to town with Joe Morris as the running back
  3. G

    Jeremy Green article on ESPN

    Even his own son mocks his dad overselling the team... but still puts a positive spin on it... I wonder if he is talking about Rod Graves or who in regard to blowing up the organization?????
  4. G

    JJ Arrington

    484 to go! Doesnt seem that much???? since he averages about 14.5 a week I'd say its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRAFT BUSH
  5. G


    Why give him carries if he doesnt run hard at least??? Does he deserve to play because he was second round pick?? Dennis Green wanted Michael Bennent for a reason, but Graves wouldnt let him. That we targeted Arrington so early also shows that Green gets enamoured with players that arent...
  6. G


    Whats sad to see is that Barber ran so well against the Cards... I loved him in college- the rap on him was speed- but it seems he hits the holes hard and before you say a least he had a hole - I saw a couple of plays where JJ just doesnt seem to run hard to get to the hole- I guess the ESPN...
  7. G

    Mike Martz to be fired/released.

    Hire Him I would hire him in a second to replace Rowen or Dirk Koeter
  8. G

    the run by JJ

    Angle The safety did have a decent angle- but based on his 4.4 speed should have been able to beat that angle - I think he was so shocked that he broke free he didnt relax and just run- too tense- which is what I see from him every time. Seems to slip a lot on his cuts- or just gets in the...
  9. G

    Warner would have gone for 5 Td's

    I agree- I am not hating I love the game- love that we won- but I also like to be realistic- I remember being young and thinking Stan Gelbaugh was the answer.... I just wish that Warner was available for that game so he could have got a little more confidence... in the line and overall
  10. G

    Green's presser

    Lynch Two Cal backs in a row??? Does he realize its Tetfors system and not the back????? What about Reggie Bush?????????????? IDIOT---- I'd rather have Lendel White too-
  11. G

    Warner would have gone for 5 Td's

    All of you praising McCown realize this and Thiesman was all over it- He has open recievers and just doesnt see them- when you have those oppertunites in the NFL you have to take advantage- it just so happens we played the worst team in the NFL last night who were missing all but one of the...
  12. G

    Eric Green

    Green was great in coverage- the only time he got beat was when he was playing that horrible off coverage Clancy likes to use- I hate it- to easy to give up short 8 yrd gains and forty yards if you miss the tackle- its hard enough to tackle someone who is a NFL caliber playing why give them a...
  13. G

    Anthony Clement?

    That would be hillariuos if he dominated our line- :biglaugh:
  14. G

    Tim Couch anyone?

    Leinhart Drafting a QB that high is dumb- its 50/50 at best - Think about all the failures that were QBs taken so high- I would much rather have Reggie Bush- Before someone say a smart a$$ comment about Peyton - think Leaf- and so forth....
  15. G

    Tim Couch anyone?

    Davey Absolutely!!! I thought he was picked up by someone---
  16. G

    Tim Couch anyone?

    McClown is awful - I know that Couch didnt have sucess in Clevland, but I bet his is more accurate than McClown- he's got a great arm- I dont think it could hurt to bring him in and see what he has left...
  17. G

    Ian Allen

    I liked the small tid but of info on the obscene gesture at the end of the game- I think I would do a little more after watching Darrell Jackson laugh it up on the sidelines- we were embarrassed again-
  18. G

    2006 Draft Thread

    Reggie Bush He is a Marshall Faulk type player I would rather him and sign a FA quaterback with some experience
  19. G

    Corners 10 yrds off

    Why did the announcers pick on Rolle so much- He was 10 yards off the ball who in the league could play that far off and react to anything- I know Clancy likes off coverage but come on- this is riddiculous!!! You have to challenge them a little pick if they are throwing 5 yrd slants of course...
  20. G

    O-Line Coach

    I cant remeber the play but we had some ridiculous scheme where Ross and Davis our tackle block inside and our guards went to block outside- it is when Warner is in the game- It was the most upsetting thing I saw all day- I replayed it 5 times on TIVO because I couldnt believe my eyes- Lindsay...
  21. G

    Bennett= Admiting wrong?

    Short yardage for now- but I have a feeling he is going to break a bunch of 2nd or 3rd and shorts for big gains-
  22. G

    Bennett= Admiting wrong?

    Jacobs That boy is a stud- I liked watching him in the preseason- he has just enough wiggle - and the speed and power- was he at the combine?
  23. G

    Bennett= Admiting wrong?

    I hate to see this in the mass public (ESPN)- but one of two things have to happen either it will light a fire under JJ or he will show true colors and ball up like Leeland McElroy- I feel better that I wont have to shave JJ on the side of my head
  24. G

    I'm getting really sick of people bitching about our running backs

    Russ Calm down Did you notice Lynch was hurt and the back up ran for 187 yards?? Tetfords system is amazing for college - dont ignore the obvious- Davis was still there in 02 didnt he retire after the preseason?
  25. G

    I'm getting really sick of people bitching about our running backs

    McAllister has skill- but wont be great- thats all I'm saying- I would like to just say I like Shipp- and think that JJ is soft- thats it- doest have much shake to him either- we shall see- I'll leave it alone-

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