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  1. Lenny_Biscuit

    Who Are These Announcers?

    Pasch is actualy my stalker. He followed me from Syracuse and now is a Cardnal's guy. If he starts rooting for the Oregon Ducks I know he is trying to steal my life.
  2. Lenny_Biscuit

    Shelton Really does suck!!!

    SHHHHHHHHH! Don't tell anyone before we can trade his fatness.
  3. Lenny_Biscuit

    Fitz in a boot cast

    Did anyone notice that Fitz is no Quan. He may end up being better, but no one (including Moss) ran a route like "The One who Should Not Be Mentioned" has ever ran one.
  4. Lenny_Biscuit

    for those watching the game

    Please watch the game again. All QB's had plenty of time (Ok give a play or two that the D beats you). The 1st string O-line was the highlight of the night. QB's have to make a decision sooner! Ps - Roundtree gets cut Pss - A few beers makes a lurker a freekin loud mouth ;)
  5. Lenny_Biscuit

    Scobey's got a job!

    Ii have to say that Scobey looked great at kick return. We also saw one of our best punt returns tonight. Special teams :thumbup:
  6. Lenny_Biscuit

    McCown Looked Good

    I am a big fan of Josh, but let your arm go son! Maybe it is lack of receivers but Josh had plenty of protection tonight. Qudos to the O-Line. Iam encouraged.
  7. Lenny_Biscuit

    Scobey's got a job!

    Scobey has a job ........ behind Anderson and Croom.
  8. Lenny_Biscuit

    McCown Looked Good

    McCown looked horrible. I don't know if he is gun shiy with all the turnovers the last few years but..... throw the f'n ball.
  9. Lenny_Biscuit

    for those watching the game

    Oh come on! The O_Line was the highlight of our night. Shelton should be traded! Big looked great(against a rookier but hey). We had some running lanes. QB had plenty of time with 1st string but QB's were slow and reluctant to get it off. Anyone that says our O-line was bad has no clue...
  10. Lenny_Biscuit

    Fantasy Football Question

    I want to try my hand at fantasy football this year. Any suggestions as to the best place to do it? Thanks in advance. Lenny
  11. Lenny_Biscuit

    Sick to my stomach

    This unfortunate incident is going to really show us what type of players Green is grooming. We will see how many players, realizing the loss of Quan, step it up a notch and perform to their highest ability. I have thought all preseason that we would be very surprised by a few players that...
  12. Lenny_Biscuit

    Boldin out 8-12 weeks

    I am greatly disappointed. I thought we would be able to spread the defense out this year with Boldin, Fitz, and Johnson, but I refuse to believe that one man, even Boldin, can make that much difference in a football game. We still will have the other two. Bryant Johnson was improving at the...
  13. Lenny_Biscuit

    Easier Schedule This Year?

    I know that teams change very quickly from year to year and so none of this really matters, but I thought it was interesting. If you take last years records for every team this is how the statistics stack up. Arizona Cardinals 2003 Schedule Total Win/Loss for Opponents – 139/117 Number...
  14. Lenny_Biscuit

    Quan goes Down...

    I wouldn't have known what to do with myself if we won more than four games. :rolleyes:
  15. Lenny_Biscuit

    We'll know soon whether McCown is ready for QB job

    I heard this guy (Scott Bordow) on 1060 this morning. I actually can get 1060 in Tucson. He just seems to have a hatred for the Cardinals and especially Green. Funny thing is this morning they were talking about Kendall and he said you don't see Parcels or Jimmy Johnson calling a guy a...
  16. Lenny_Biscuit

    Article critical of Denny Green

    And remember Coach Green has Rod Graves.
  17. Lenny_Biscuit

    Article critical of Denny Green

    The thing I like most about Ed is his unbridled optimism.
  18. Lenny_Biscuit

    season tickets?

    We have always sat in the upper corner where the cheap $15 seats are now. When they ran the special deal we asked the ticket office if we would need to move to keep our priority. Both last year and this year they told us no, that our priority would remain the same even if we were in the cheap...
  19. Lenny_Biscuit

    Sad day for ASFN and Cards fans

    Now can't you write about things you might not have been able to report on before as an official media source?
  20. Lenny_Biscuit

    Cards say they are trying to sign picks

    I am not overly concerned about the signing status yet, but I was wondering why the NFL waits until the last minute to sign players. How long has it been since the draft? It seems that the few weeks before training camp would be very busy for other reasons. Remember not to long ago when...
  21. Lenny_Biscuit

    Josh McCown Joins NFL Total Access Studio Lineup Tonight! (6-29)

    I like when they asked him his biggest rookie blunder and he replied something like "there were too many too pick one". I also liked hearing him throw in Darnell Dockett's name when they asked him who would be rookie of the year next year. He said either Fitzgerald or Dockett.
  22. Lenny_Biscuit

    2003 Arizona Cards review on NFL Network...Its Go Time!

    Does anyone know when a replay might be shown?
  23. Lenny_Biscuit

    The Biggest Benefactor of the Fitz Pick may be...

    I think I may be the biggest benefactor. Hopefully with Fitz here I won’t be bashing my head into the 120 degree metal bleacher seats at SDS wondering how I ever became a Cardinals fan.
  24. Lenny_Biscuit

    Should we carry four QBs this year?

    I would love to see Parsons get a chance in Europe.
  25. Lenny_Biscuit

    Are you a Season Ticket Holder & Do you post on ASFN?

    I am a season ticket holder and actually bought an extra one this year. I don't post often, but I have been lurking for a long time. Thanks for all the info.

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