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  1. P

    6/2/2005 Insider - The next step for Stoudemire

    ^I agree Its still however something that he needs to work on...he's too good of a player to be an "up and down" rebounder...
  2. P

    Suns Look to Re-Sign Johnson, Stoudemire

    Brad Miller is a bit of point center in that he passes the ball and runs the offense just as much as Mike Bibby the actual point guard does...he doesn't have total ball handling skills as a "point center" but he's definetly somebody I think of when I think of a point center...Amare is definetly...
  3. P

    AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! So damn exicted...

    The Suns are one of the few teams in the league with a super bright outlook on the future...not a whole lot of other teams have such a young core with a great future... Reading all the articles I'm happy to hear the guys have sucha positive outlook on the future...they know they'll have plenty...
  4. P

    Western Conference Finals Game 5- Spurs @ Suns Game Thread

    Getting back to back wins against the Spurs after they are up in the series 3-0 would be great forcing a game 7 would be like a dream come true at this game at a time...I'm really expecting the Suns to win this game or I should say I'm really hoping...I predict that its a close game...
  5. P

    D’Antoni Puts Up Defense of Suns Style

    Richardson said. "We ain’t gonna let him flop and get a foul for something that we didn’t do. That’s what’s been happening the whole series. We don’t touch him and he just throws his hair and they call a foul." :lmao: That was classic
  6. P

    NY Times on JJ

    *gasp* No im just joshin JJ is my favorite Sun and I know I am new to the site but you will find out that I am a bit of a JJ homer I agree he has vastly improved over the past couple of years with room for even more improvement..I hope he gets the chance to improve under the Phoenix...
  7. P

    What are the odds that the Suns can sign JJ in the off season

    I think he'll be back in October...but the end fact still remains that money talks...
  8. P

    JJ Versus Manu

    ^^me too. After watching Monday nights game I realized for the first time what an all around game Manu has...he'll do whatever you want him to do
  9. P

    Who's going tonight?

    You guys better be ready to yell tonight cuz I personally thought the crowd at game 2 was weak...this game could (though I hope not :crosses fingers: ) be the last game of a great great season
  10. P

    Hunter vows to increase his size, strength, wealth

    He's the kind of player who plays big in big minutes he has a lot of potential and I'm excited to see his growth...
  11. P

    SA article: Are You Blinded By The Suns?

    That was EXACTLY what I was gonna say...those two "facts" that he said are what just stuck out for me... I think this writer is a bit blinded by the Spurs and by that I mean he's only clear on all the things that they (the Spurs) did right and wrong without having all that much knowledge on...
  12. P

    SA article: Bowen unable to make stop on 'great shot'

    I didn't really notice the entire play when I was watching the game live but when I went back and watched the game on the TiVo this morning I saw what everyone was talking was great great great defense by Bruce but better offense by Joe :O Joe made a tough shot and I agree with what...
  13. P

    SA article: Stoudemire finds defense

    Stoudemire finds defense Thank god! thanks for posting
  14. P

    Goon Talk from Dime Smack (Can't say I disagree)

    I was actually saying the same thing to myself at the beginning of game four when Tony Parker was getting to the basket without breaking a sweat... All you have to do especially with Tony...not so much with Manu cuz he's use to throwing his body around like a rag doll...he likes contact and...
  15. P

    Kudos to Hubie Brown

    I've been a fan of the game for like a decade now and I feel that everytime I listen to Hubie I learn something new about the game...he doesn't have the hilarity like a Tom Tolbert but he does an excellent job talking about the game and whats going for the theatrics of last nights game...
  16. P

    It's not over!!!

    Let's roll!
  17. P

    How complete is Joe’s game? Lebron-esque yet?

    I agree. I think all of NBA nation saw just how important JJ is to the Suns and what kinda of impact his is capable of making...I mean I think people knew but after last night they knew KNEW
  18. P

    Two out of the next three games in Phoenix

    yup 1 game at a time So far in this series though for the Suns homecourt has meant nothing...the AWA crowd has GOT to be up for tomorrow night though...loud and proud

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