He had one domestic violence, it's reported as two counts of assault because according to the story it was hands on her neck and then pushing her to the ground.
The weed shouldnt even be a factor in redemption.. its gaining ground as a legal movement now and really shouldn't be looked at with the stigma that was given to it long ago by companies paying legislators to enact laws against the marijuana industry that threatened to put other major companies out of business.
If he has made amends for his crimes, paid his dues, and made every attempt to get better... and is better. How can you not at least acknowledge that? It's the whole purpose of the system we're in is to rehabilitate offenders.
People make mistakes.. they either learn from those mistakes or don't. If they don't... they end up in prison, back in prison, or dead.
If he never lays hands on another person for the rest of his life, then maybe some of you could say he deserved the second chance. But man, that's a long time to go about proving it. I'd hate to be any of your friends (generalized) if I was to ever make a mistake.