This disgusts me, I would have been incapable of doing what you did at any age. That you could stomach it at any age for any reason suggests you can never understand how I feel about this.
Further evidence that you simply don't get it is that you compare it to prohibition. The only correlation is Arther Dent vowing to "Never be cruel to a gin and tonic again". This has nothing to do with it's legality and everything to do with the cruelty.
You do not understand.
Well I am quite tickled that you are disgusted so easily...very quaint how some people can be so judgmental over something a guy has not done since he was about ten years old.
The comparison to prohibition was simple and to the point.....legality is often overlooked, often even by those who make the laws.............and just to add a side note,...back when I was a kid, fighting was not even illegal,...they only busted the fights to stop the illegal gambling.
The whole point of the post, was that often culture is what causes these actions, but people can change the way they view things, and how they feel about things. Because I have made some mistakes in my life, I try really hard not to be a judgmental prick and I give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove they do not deserve it.
You seen the statement in the post that I consider my dogs to be part of the family,...right??
So then,...are you suggesting that I would give my son a knife,...toss him into a hole in the ground with another boy, and tell him only one of them was coming out alive??