Jim O - Why not retire his jersey and reissue it to the public. With the profits going to the family or some charity Pat believed in.
I’d buy several.
I’d buy several.
swd1974 said:You may all disagree with me but unles you have been in some sort of special forces you wont know.
Pat Tillman would not want to be honored by retiring his jersey or naming a stadium after him.
In elite groups like the rangers you are part of a family. It may sound like a cliche but in these groups the bonds are almost tighter than the ones with your paternal parent.
He wouldnt want any special honors from football unless they names stadiums after his fallen comrades as well. He would say his sacrifice was no more or less than the man who fell next to him.
Thats what makes Tillman, Tillman. He understood this. Thats what made him a Ranger. I was never a ranger but I was a sniper attached to a ranger group. They are some of the bravest men alive and Pat fit in very well from what I read.
He would want people to know he fought for us and that the men who died with him died for the same cause. And that it was a few men from their family that have died since this war started and not just one man.
Bless Pat Tillman and all his fallen brothers.
swd1974 said:You may all disagree with me but unles you have been in some sort of special forces you wont know.
Pat Tillman would not want to be honored by retiring his jersey or naming a stadium after him.
WaywardFan said:You eloquence honors him, and I'm sure you're right.
However, doing such things is also a way for US to cope, remember, and pay tribute.
Personally, I would love to get a jersey, make a donation and maybe even fly back for some type of memorial at some point.
swd1974 said:You may all disagree with me but unles you have been in some sort of special forces you wont know.
WaywardFan said:However, doing such things is also a way for US to cope, remember, and pay tribute.
MAKTEN said:My heart is heavy for Pat...his family and all of the soldiers fighting right now for our freedom. The news on ESPN this morning hit me like a ton of bricks, having trouble working....