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  1. Neo

    Suns @ Lakers 3-30-14

    For some people the glass if half full. For some people the glass is half empty. For Eric the water is terrible and there will never be any hope that the water be anything but awful so we must all abandon hope and dispair as much as humanly possible. :)
  2. Neo

    The Official US Soccer thread

    I already knew that I was clueluess, but thanks for the reminder. Luckily I have teenagers at home that frequently remind me how out of touch and clueless I am. I will have to defer to your knowlege on the topic of German immigration law. The assertions in my post were based on my vague...
  3. Neo

    The Official US Soccer thread

    It is a little disingenious to claim that Ozil is a 3rd generation German citizen since a generation ago he and his family were inelligible to become citizens. Not until the “Volkisch” immigation laws that were in 1999 was he even able to become a citizen.
  4. Neo

    The Official US Soccer thread

    I think that calling Slinslin a hypocrite is almost as over the top as him calling the Green situation absolutely immoral behavior. Slin is being unreasonable, but I think that he is just an over-the-top, unrealistic, homer, partisan; not a hypocrite. If he worked for the German national...
  5. Neo

    Rookie watch

    If you go by Win Shares then the rookies with the most impact this season are Mason Plumlee (3.1), Tim Hardaway (2.5), Steven Adams (2.2), Kelly Olynyk (2.1), and Ryan Kelly (1.8). Len is 16th with a 0.4 Win Share and Goodwin is -0.1, but that does not worry me since we all knew that they were...
  6. Neo

    The Official US Soccer thread

    I am glad that we can agree on that much. He is an adult. If he is old enough to help choose the Bundestag, then he is old enough to what country he wants to belong to for playing soccer. After all, the decision of what national team he will play for has virtually no impact on his pro...
  7. Neo

    The Official US Soccer thread

    Can you please how this is "absolutely immoral behavior?" Green is old enough to drive a car, get married, start a family, vote, join the military, cover his body in piercings and tattoos, but he isn't old enough to be encouraged to join the national team? Please explain.
  8. Neo

    Hornacek: Suns are "too soft"

    I think that is quite a logical leap you are taking. First of all, I don't a lack of assists means that a team is not playing team basketball. When a player drives to the basket and scores because he got a screen up high and the weakside shotblocker was screened off there is no assist, but it...
  9. Neo

    Is Gerald Green the most athletic player in Suns history?

    Well played, sir! Well played.
  10. Neo

    Timberwolves @ Suns 2-25-14

    Kendrick Perkins and Mario Chalmers are starters on contending teams. They deserve big money.
  11. Neo

    RIP: Harold Ramis (1944-2014)

    A fine collector of spores, molds and fungus. RIP Dr. Spangler.
  12. Neo

    Suns trade rumors

    Yeah, but all of those deficiencies are Chalpin and Elindhom's fault because they were not nice to him on a message board, rattling his confidence. Then they caused him to traded by not appreciating him sufficiently. All that critisism forced the Wizards to waive him. I find it interesting...
  13. Neo

    Tony Parker = Jackass

    I don't think he is a jackass for playing hurt in the all-star game. I think he is a jackass for : 1. Sexting with a teammate's wife while being married to Eva Langoria. 2. Faking injuries in game., especially when he crumpled to the floor after his head collided with Nash's nose. 3. Posing...
  14. Neo

    FIFA urged to 'rerun the vote' on Qatar's 2022 Football World Cup

    I've spent a little time in Qatar and Doha really is an amazing and beautiful city. But there is no way they should be hosting the World Cup. People talk about the heat, but honestly you cannot imagine how hot it is until you have experience it yourself. Phoenix has similar temperatures...
  15. Neo

    Suns interested in Boozer!

    Exactly, The Suns have cap space, draft picks, a big expiring contract and young players. Fans of every non-contender team with overpaid players are going to look at the Suns as a trade source. Usually it is our expiring, someone young and picks for an overpaid, past his prime player. So...
  16. Neo

    Suns interested in Boozer!

    No thanks. Boozer is not good enough to make us a contender and he certainly is not worth the $16 million that he is due to be paid next year. Boozer is in the declining stage of his career, is pouting on his current team and he has a history of disappearing when his team needs him most...
  17. Neo

    Suns explore deal for Pau Gasol

    Literally? I always thought Germans were weird, but that is a bit excessive. I would have thought he might do it figuratively. Eeeeeeeew!
  18. Neo

    Suns explore deal for Pau Gasol

    It could also be the fact that Malone averaged more points, rebounds, assists, and steals per game. Was the discrepancy of minutes why Malone was named all-defensive team three times compared to Nowitzki's zero? Nowitzki is an all Hall of Fame player, but to argue that he is easily better...
  19. Neo

    Suns explore deal for Pau Gasol

    Except for the fact that Malone scored more, rebounded more, had more steals and generally played better defense, Nowitzki is easily a better player.
  20. Neo

    One thread 40 pages

    Here in Texas there are High School Football forums where the threads go that long for a single game.
  21. Neo

    Omer Asik

    Hmmmm. . . . I am also beginning to suspect that you like movies, Slin didn't care for Gortat, and Eric is pessimistic about the current roster.
  22. Neo

    Top 5: Books

    I couldn't pick five so I divided into three categories. Still, I will likely rethink this and would answer it differently if you asked me an hour from now. Literature Category: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance A Separate Peace The Sorrows of Young Werther Slaughter House 5 To Kill...
  23. Neo

    Present depth chart

    Any numerical rating by human judges is going to be subjective and flawed. It probably undervalues Tucker, but not by a lot. He is either a shooting guard who is not good at shooting or a small forward who is too small. His PER and WS/48 put him in the mid 200s. But when we reach the...
  24. Neo

    Present depth chart

    The rankings are based upon dozens of ESPN associated baskteball writers voting on a players predicted level of play on a scale of 1-10. In order to know what kind of player Tucker is one either needs to be a Suns fan or watch a TON of baskteball. How many Suns games do you think your average...
  25. Neo

    Sterling Attempted To Rescind Bledsoe, Redick, Dudley Deal

    Google "donald sterling racist" or read the source articles on the bottom of his wikipedia page. It is pretty well documented that he is an awful person.