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  1. dopleganger

    Green article on

    Yes !!! :O
  2. dopleganger

    Vikings Tice still hanted by loss to Cards!

    Umm sure. Playoffs are a crapshoot. Regular season is where good coaches win. NOT
  3. dopleganger

    ASFN Report on first four Practices

    Oh yea!! :thumbup:
  4. dopleganger

    New Jo Sparks story up!!

    :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
  5. dopleganger

    Mini Camp First Impressions

    dopleganger is my screen name. Dopelganger is the word your thinking of. Douh ! I still may be evil.
  6. dopleganger

    We have leverage!

    All that means is that they will do enough to peek your interest and get you into the stadium. Lets hope they actually want to win because they want to win and will go the exta mile to do it.
  7. dopleganger

    Mini Camp First Impressions

    Wow Denny Green, go figure.
  8. dopleganger

    Caption This!

    Man, am I in over my head or what.
  9. dopleganger

    Caption This!

    Help! Jane - get me out of this crazy thing!
  10. dopleganger

    receiver or quarterback?

    The answer is QB.
  11. dopleganger

    TJ Named Starter in Chicago

    I agree. :thumbup:
  12. dopleganger

    mcnabb and the eagle are blowing it again!

    Could it be - Rush was right?? Naw, its the rest of the team.
  13. dopleganger

    Rush Limbaugh Resigns From Sunday Countdown

    No they don't Jim. Nor do thay care. And no they were not even offended. Not really, they just love to take pot shots at people they perceive to be right wing wackos. Ohh did I spell "perceive" right? Hmm did I spell "wackos" right? Hmm know what - I don't care. K.M.A.
  14. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Lets see if I understand this. You are saying the mere fact that Rush acknoleged the existance of another race - makes him a racist. You may be able to spell but thinking seems to be a challenge for you. Thats ok keep trying.
  15. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Religion has nothing to do with it. Racisim probably does, I agree. But Rush didn't say anything even remotely racist. You extrapolated that and made the ASSumtion that he is. You are wrong and way out of line. I now hope you get run over by a truck. No I don't not really but I do hope you grow up.
  16. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Yes WC, you got it. You and Tango are the smartest people on earth because you can use a dictionary. Well at least your not monkeys.
  17. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Tango, my god! You ignorant little retard. Ooops I take that back I don't want to insult the handicap. Manny appologies. Tango, you little gaped tooth little fudge packer. At least I didn't post a picture of myself humping a deer.
  18. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Re: first we had.... Now this I agree with. Way to go andi.
  19. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    This is the one insult that actually hurt. Ouch, I hadn't thought of that while I was typing. Definatly not a Frenchie.
  20. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Don't worry about it Rivercard, just continue to vote democrat, they will take care of you.
  21. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Rugby, I have enjoyed reading most of your posts over the years and I hate to say this but this is total worthless crap that isn't worth the bits its saved on.
  22. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    B.S. Brian. Utter B.S.. And I will spell my screen name anyway I want to - so you can K.M.A..
  23. dopleganger

    McNabb: Too late for an apology from Limbaugh

    Man you people. Ok this is my last response, then I have to go back to work. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't somebody on this very board post the thought that Mcnabb was overrated? Didn't I read in somebodys list of of most overrated that Mcnabb was one of them? I dunno maybe I didn't...

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