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    2nd & 3rd Round Draft Thread

    My thinking on all of this has me sitting nice and easy, not mad at all. Considering that, this past season, we fielded one first-round OT who sucked, and a 6th round OT who sucked, that is the difference between drafting one in 3rd or 4th? Chill out people.
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    Rams have 3 of the next 13 picks, and 2nd in 3rd

    I feel better just looking at the Rams past 10 years worth of picks at how many they actually did well on. That and I won't worry until they can string together a couple of seasons without picking in the top 10.
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    Not defending Whis....but

    Whiz wasn't the one that blew the coverage on moss. Whiz didn't miss those kicks. Whiz isn't blocking DE's. Whiz didn't fumble at the end. Whiz didn't throw a pick at the end. I am not a fan of the play calling neither...but at the end of the day it's the men on the field who have to execute...
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    Just watching the game on tivo today, and I was pleased with the tackling. We obviously gave up lots of passes but outside of Steve Smith's break away touchdown, I noticed very little yards after catch and hardly any run past 5 yards. Down the line I noticed plenty of stand out open field...
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    Profootball Focus: Re-Focused – Panthers @ Cardinals, Week 1

    Yeah! See there are so many areas we beat them in.
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    Profootball Focus: Re-Focused – Panthers @ Cardinals, Week 1

    Just like everyone else here, I can talk about all the little things in this game all day. But I think the shortest explanation on why we won is this: It is unfortunate for Cam that this is a team sport. Sure he passed for an amazing amount of pass yards. But the passing yards we put up were...
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    Realistic view of CB situation

    I just don't see the reasoning to be that deflated, man. PP is a rook but gosh darn it, he just scored a legit pick 6 of Philip Rivers in his third pre-season game, his first time playing against the first stringers. But he is going to be great someday? He at the very least can be good THIS...
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    Cards Depth Chart #01

    thanks a bunch!
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    Cards Depth Chart #01

    can someone post my phone doesnt get pdfs
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    When are season tickets supposed to arrive?

    I did call and ask this last week and the associate said middle of August but she didn't sound completely sure, for what it's worth.
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    Todd Heap Introductory Press Conference

    he is excited to play for us. I see a possible big bounce back for Heap. I can't even remember the last big time TE we had like this. Freddie Jones?
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    Bummer...Miller to the Hags

    This. Jackson is just not good. I have watched plenty of games with him. That game against us just might be one of his best, the rest of success he was a part of was during Peterson's initial coming out as a top 3 back in the league.
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    Bummer...Miller to the Hags Besides the eagles, we are ranked #2 by yahoo on this list, Sea is #3, does acquiring Miller put their offseason in front of us?
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    Rams sign G - Harvey Dahl

    I find a little comfort though, remembering that playoff game against the Falcons, this is the dame Dahl that DD blew by to disrupt that handoff for the Rolle touchdown? ;)
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    Cards Sign TE Jeff King

    I had to look it up, but I remembered him as the guy who scored on us last year when we played the panthers in their 1 of 2 wins haha
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    Paul Posluszny to test free agency

    I agree with this. If one can't believe that an under-performer can change teams and play better mainly due to a more suitable helping cast, then how can you explain when a high performance player (Haynesworth) suddenly vanishes upon changing teams? It's a team sport. Supporting cast does...
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    Paul Posluszny to test free agency

    I suppose it would depend. He might fair better on our D, assuming Dan Williams were to elevate his play in front of him and Daryl Washington next to him would help as well.
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    Paul Posluszny to test free agency

    If I remember right we moved up the year when he was still there in the 2nd round, but we drafted Alan Branch.
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    Ticket payments coming

    I really love my seats. Top of the first level on home side 20. Two seats from the isle. Beer stand 5 feet from the Section entrance. And bathroom directly across the walkway. Everything I need within 30 ft of my seats. :)
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    Ticket payments coming

    From what I was told on the various calls I have made. They WILL refund the money but only when it is positive games are going to be missed and only a certain time before the game was to be played. So if the first announcement that we are missing the first 3 home games...those will be refunded...
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    Ticket payments coming

    I can verify what ARZCardinals just said. Just made a follow-up call.They have not even sent out final invoices for final balance payments. They plan to perhaps in a couple weeks and even then they would need still need to give people time.
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    Ticket payments coming

    I talked the cardinals ticket office and they said that the Wednesday due date is no longer the final due date due to the CBA.
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    Am sure this has been discussed...

    Apologies if it has...but has there been a set date on when the final balance for season tix are due or is the CBA making it so they cant set one yet. I have yet to receive a final invoice on it and am hearing different things so I thought I would ask you all. Thanks and I appreciate the help.
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    check out my cardinal video

    i am addicted to youtubers talking about their teams...and after seeing so many of them refer to the cards having no friends...a couple of good-guy niner fans included...i decided to make one...not so much to gloat about monday night...but to defend us cardinal fans. if you guys got cams...make...