OFFICIAL Boldin Trade/Resign/Discussion thread


Hall of Famer
Aug 30, 2004
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Oh yea I forgot Q has to not worry about looking out for #1 because a fan bought his jersey. WOW! I have 2 Q jerseys and paid cash for them. How are his antics effecting me? Do tell?

Well you spend all day sticking up for him on a message board. so dont tell me his antics arent affecting you.

Alot of people want Q on this team including all the people that actually matter. Newsflash for you ITS NOT US!

Hey I want him on the team too, just not at the price he wants to be on this team for. We have WAY more things to worry about than our receiving squad.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Well you spend all day sticking up for him on a message board. so dont tell me his antics arent affecting you.

Hey I want him on the team too, just not at the price he wants to be on this team for. We have WAY more things to worry about than our receiving squad.

They arent affecting me in anyway shape or form. I am on this board all the time regardless of the Q situation.

Your right and I dont disagree. Thats why I have said many many times that for the right deal I would trade him without a 2nd thought.


Hall of Famer
Aug 30, 2004
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Your right and I dont disagree. Thats why I have said many many times that for the right deal I would trade him without a 2nd thought.

Fair enough, I didnt know thats where you stood on the situation as I had never seen you say that before.


Dec 26, 2003
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First of all he is BY FAR the most gracious player to the fans we have in the entire organization outside of Warner.

There isnt a single player on the team that spends more time interacting with fans and making sure EVERY SINGLE fan at training camp leaves happy. Thats after 2.5 hours of an all out sweaty bust your azz practice and you have to be back for the afternoon practice.

Q is all about the fans. He doesnt need to say it publicly he shows it 10 fold.

Lets not forget its about 90% of the fans who are now spewing venom at him right now when it effects them exactly 0%.

I'll tell Shane, I live in Flagstaff, and go to multiple days of training camps every year, and I've never seen the Boldin you are talking about. Maybe you've had that experience, but I never have. Two years ago, I brought my daughter to try to get an autograph and the only guy who made any effort at all was LeRon McCoy. Boldin was out of there in a flash. But whatever, maybe you've seen that stuff, I never have. I'd leave that all aside in a heartbeat however, if Boldin hadn't bolted for the Halas trophy presentation. I mean, what is fandom all about, if that moment doesn't mean enough to stay around for? I'm never going to understand that. I really don't think I'm spewing venom. These are the facts, I wish they weren't. If to state the obvious is spewing venom, then so be it. And I don't see how it doesn't effect us. In the week after the Superbowl when we might have still been basking in the glow of an unbelievable season, why does Boldin have to talk about how he was lied to, very slim chance he's coming back, etc? How about, no comment, now is not the time to worry about that. I'm here representing the Cardinals in the probowl, we'll worry about that later. If you are a Cardinals fan, then it affects you. I don't see how anything these guys do, related to the team doesn't affect us. Its all calculated for effect.


Comin for you!
Super Moderator
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
I'll tell Shane, I live in Flagstaff, and go to multiple days of training camps every year, and I've never seen the Boldin you are talking about. Maybe you've had that experience, but I never have. Two years ago, I brought my daughter to try to get an autograph and the only guy who made any effort at all was LeRon McCoy. Boldin was out of there in a flash. But whatever, maybe you've seen that stuff, I never have. I'd leave that all aside in a heartbeat however, if Boldin hadn't bolted for the Halas trophy presentation. I mean, what is fandom all about, if that moment doesn't mean enough to stay around for? I'm never going to understand that. I really don't think I'm spewing venom. These are the facts, I wish they weren't. If to state the obvious is spewing venom, then so be it. And I don't see how it doesn't effect us. In the week after the Superbowl when we might have still been basking in the glow of an unbelievable season, why does Boldin have to talk about how he was lied to, very slim chance he's coming back, etc? How about, no comment, now is not the time to worry about that. I'm here representing the Cardinals in the probowl, we'll worry about that later. If you are a Cardinals fan, then it affects you. I don't see how anything these guys do, related to the team doesn't affect us. Its all calculated for effect.

VERY interesting I MUST say. I go to training camp every single year for anywhere from 6 to as many as 10 days. Q at EVERY SINGLE practice stays and signs for any and all. He takes pictures with any and all. IT has never changed in 6 years. The only other player that does this is Warner. The only past players that did this was Plummer and F. Sanders

If you didnt see it then I have to say you werent looking for him.

The other stuff doesnt affect fans in the least. Fans let it affect them when they shouldnt. Trust me I have been there this kind of stuff used to piss me off and I have plenty of buried posts in here saying so. But I have learned that we shouldnt take it personal because quite frankly it isnt.


Canadian Card
Apr 2, 2005
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I Believe the Eagles are after Boldin

Heard only the end of Clayton on ESPN Radio......talked about Gonzalez and Johnson from KC, and he said:

"If the Eagles don't land Boldin, they'll go after Gonzalez."

All I heard, sorry.
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ASFN Addict
Jul 17, 2007
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They do have two first round picks this year.

Ill take Abiamiri and their 1st for Q if need be.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 8, 2003
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Funny how all of the people who piss on boldin around here have no comment about what he says in this article. He openly and clearly talks posotively about the "team"

It is obvious that his beef is with the FO and the slight he feels they gave him. But the team as a whole he is very complimentary of and talks about them as though he is apart of it and was happy to be apart of it.

Really such a slap in the face to you fans. :rolleyes:

Shane, yes I do have a comment. I don't have any greater respect for him now that he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Look at Adrian Wilson. He has as much right to having a fit as Q but he doesn't do it in the media, doesn't make antagonistic threats in training camp, doesn't sulk out at the end of the NFC Championship and then doesn't fan the flames about not coming back to AZ a day after returning from the teams first ever super bowl. Look if we resign him I'm sure everyone including him will be happy but I will still think less of him for his approach.


Nov 14, 2004
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Albuquerque, NM
Funny how all of the people who piss on boldin around here have no comment about what he says in this article. He openly and clearly talks posotively about the "team"

It is obvious that his beef is with the FO and the slight he feels they gave him. But the team as a whole he is very complimentary of and talks about them as though he is apart of it and was happy to be apart of it.

Really such a slap in the face to you fans. :rolleyes:

Exactly. He loves his teammates, otherwise he would have made more of a spectacle during the season. He showed up, went to work, almost ended his career, had over 1k yards and 11 TD's. Turning on him is silly. Sure he's said some things that were harsh, but he has never been the type of guy to not give his all. It's SPORTS what more could you ask for? These guys play a game for our amusement. Let it go. Things will work out one way or another, and Q will still be a beast for whoever he plays for. Hopefully the Arizona Cardinals. If you want the media to lead you around like a goat, go watch Keith Oberman.


Nov 14, 2004
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Albuquerque, NM
Well you spend all day sticking up for him on a message board. so dont tell me his antics arent affecting you.

Hey I want him on the team too, just not at the price he wants to be on this team for. We have WAY more things to worry about than our receiving squad.

The only time I see your posts, you're bashing Q. Calling out someone for playing the same game?:safe:

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Negotiating in public is not (IMO) a precedent Cards management wants to set. The Press would love it, and fans... but, it would be nothing but headaches for management.

Times change. I'm not saying negotiating in public is a good, or even necessary move. Just saying team must continue to evolve.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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Times change. I'm not saying negotiating in public is a good, or even necessary move. Just saying team must continue to evolve.

Also dont fool yourselves. Cards do play some media games. Its not out right in your faces but if you dont think they let some little nuggets leak out you would be wrong. How do you think we heard about Boldin telling the Cards he wants to wait until after the Fitz contract. That info didnt come from his agent thats for sure.

Graves also does make comments about negotiations especially 1st rounders. There is always a quote from him about how they are offering what is fair....... and so on. Which I have no problem with as long as it isnt in your face or in a vendetta type way or tone.


Dec 26, 2003
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VERY interesting I MUST say. I go to training camp every single year for anywhere from 6 to as many as 10 days. Q at EVERY SINGLE practice stays and signs for any and all. He takes pictures with any and all. IT has never changed in 6 years. The only other player that does this is Warner. The only past players that did this was Plummer and F. Sanders

If you didnt see it then I have to say you werent looking for him.

The other stuff doesnt affect fans in the least. Fans let it affect them when they shouldnt. Trust me I have been there this kind of stuff used to piss me off and I have plenty of buried posts in here saying so. But I have learned that we shouldnt take it personal because quite frankly it isnt.

I can guarantee Shane, during at least one practice when I was there with my daughter, Q did not do that. Again, the only player that dealt with us at all was LeRon McCoy. I've got his signed glove here on the desk. My wife took Caiti to another practice where we got a placard with about 15 signatures, McCown, especially, according to her, took a lot of time out, but Q isn't on it, and according to my wife, Q wasn't accessible. I don't watch that stuff because I really don't care about it, it sounds like you pay close attention so I'll defer to that.

Nevertheless, the comments really bother me and I cant at all get past, the NFC championship snub. But I at the end of the day, hopefully its all just tactics and posturing that will ultimately benefit this team. Ultimately, that's all I care about. What's in it for the Cardinals? That is the beginning and the end of my agenda. I guess your point is that its not personal, but I don't really care about that. I wouldn't really care if he never signed another autograph or even looked another fan in the eye so long as he benefits the Cardinals with incredible football for many years to come. If not, I really don't give a rats ass about him. He's a very rich man, that became so by playing a game for a living. No matter how it works out for him, from here on out, he's in pretty good shape, he can spend the rest of his days on the beach if he wants. What's in it for the Cardinals? That's all I really care about.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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Bashing Q would be stupid he is top 10 WR in the NFL, he is getting closer to 30. He needs to get paid, here nor there I don't care, this is all about money. This is his last deal he needs to make it big. Unfortunately Q IMO falls under the RB law (After 30 you will wear down), Q isn't going to be out there at 38, he is already breaking down slowly, he needs to cash in, it's that simple.

Jersey Girl

Stand down
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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
No disrespect, but welcome to last year. :p

The Eagles would love to land Boldin. At least that is the take of the Philly sports media.


ASFN Addict
Dec 2, 2005
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The Flip Side
No disrespect, but welcome to last year. :p

The Eagles would love to land Boldin. At least that is the take of the Philly sports media.

Yup, this is new, old news. I'm for it if the Cards can get one of their firsts and a second next year.. Enjoy that cold weather Q!

Then trade Leinart to KC for Gonzo.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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As long as they stop trying to pawn off their disgruntled #4 on the depth chart CB who wants a new big contract. Sure.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
I am sure there will be a lot of teams that will attempt to trade for Boldin. It will just come down to if the Cardinals feel they are getting a fair offer or not.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
As I understand it, Boldin still has 2 years to go on his contract; which means we don't have to be frightened that some other team will steal him from under our nose. We control the process, and some other team (like the Eagles) would have to knock our socks off to even get our attention.

The temptation for us fans -as we move from "Competition Mode" to Off season Trading/FA'Drafting Mode" will be our burning desire to play "Let's Make a Deal."

This isn't Fantasy Football; the future of the Cardinal franchise is at stake.

Hopefully, the Cardinal organization will be a bit more disciplined, organized and professional and would take the time to ask itself:

- What does Boldin bring to the team that cannot easily be replaced?

- Is his impact critical enough to mean the difference between making or not making the Playoffs/Super Bowl again?

- Will the other team's offer make as much of a positive impact as losing Q would make a negative impact?

- How important is overall personnel continuity to the future success of this football team?


Registered User
Aug 25, 2002
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As I understand it, Boldin still has 2 years to go on his contract; which means we don't have to be frightened that some other team will steal him from under our nose. We control the process, and some other team (like the Eagles) would have to knock our socks off to even get our attention.

The temptation for us fans -as we move from "Competition Mode" to Off season Trading/FA'Drafting Mode" will be our burning desire to play "Let's Make a Deal."

This isn't Fantasy Football; the future of the Cardinal franchise is at stake.

Hopefully, the Cardinal organization will be a bit more disciplined, organized and professional and would take the time to ask itself:

- What does Boldin bring to the team that cannot easily be replaced?

- Is his impact critical enough to mean the difference between making or not making the Playoffs/Super Bowl again?

- Will the other team's offer make as much of a positive impact as losing Q would make a negative impact?

- How important is overall personnel continuity to the future success of this football team?

Best post i have read this year! :notworthy


Sep 30, 2007
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boldin for LT?

maybe not..but i'd like to trade boldin for a star running back


Jan 16, 2007
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annapolis, md
No. This BS has to go away. No one in their right mind would even consider something so boneheaded.

A better idea would be to try Jonathan Stewart from Carolina. They already have a great back in Williams and Boldin in the slot would do wonders for their team. Q and Muhammad are probably two of the top 5 blocking WRs in the game and would be awesome for their run game too. Stewart is a stud and would complete our offense.



Defense, Defense, DEFENSE
Jan 3, 2004
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Mesa, AZ
No. This BS has to go away. No one in their right mind would even consider something so boneheaded.

A better idea would be to try Jonathan Stewart from Carolina. They already have a great back in Williams and Boldin in the slot would do wonders for their team. Q and Muhammad are probably two of the top 5 blocking WRs in the game and would be awesome for their run game too. Stewart is a stud and would complete our offense.


I would definately take Stewart, but that ain't going to happen, Carolina has their power running system set. I do not see a Jonathan Stewart in this years draft either :( Will there be one in next years draft? We are going to be waiting on our beast of a back a bit longer imho.

LT doesn't carry the value he use to, no thanks. Espescially at 7M+ year