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  1. F

    The Assassination of Richard Nixon

    Hunted through the thread pages but couldn't find it - saw this last night and came away very impressed. Once again, Sean Penn shows he is a genius while Naomi Watts stands tall in another 'underground' sort of role. Depth of character is strong, acting flawless while storyline is pretty unique...
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    Knicks & Suns Trade Q for KT

    thank god that's over
  3. F

    NBA FINALS: San Antonio vs. Detroit

    "As I said before, what made Horry's outburst in Game 5 so memorable is precisely that, in the context of his entire postseason career, it was so surprising." Couldn't you argue then that, up until game 5, while Horry was largely considered 'clutch' for pulling out a big shot here and there...
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    Realgm- Matrix on the block

    Just my opinion but if there's one guy who could seriously help iverson and his team it's Marion.
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    Could Suns Look at Jaric?

    forgive me for being stupid (i actually thought i posted this already as well :shrug: ) but why hasn't Vujanic's name come up more often when talking about back court help?
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    NBA FINALS: San Antonio vs. Detroit

    "okay - I don't care what anyone says - you get to the Finals in back to back years - especially against Shaq and Wade in a 7 game series without Homecourt and you are freaking fluke." You're joking right?
  7. F

    Shaq shows some class

    watch out for the moral high grounders :rolleyes:. Tell me, if you were one of the worlds greatest athletes how would you feel about financial hand outs? Shaq didn't have to do sh*t (no one else seems to have offered anything) but he did. Way to go Shaq.
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    Grizzlies trying to dump...

    not a snowball's chance in hell are they going to blow this team up. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded. Suns are gonna stick with this style of play no matter what. All we need is some depth; i honestly feel Hunter could be the guy - well, at least half the guy - for next year. We still...
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    All I gots to say is . . . DB!!

    Oh. In that case, you jerk elindholm. Just kidding :p .
  10. F

    All I gots to say is . . . DB!!

    "I don't have any problem with their substantive posts, but just reading "DB" over and over is nearly as tedious as the contributions of a certain poster whose sole contribution to most threads is one particular eponymous emoticon." What does eponymous mean?
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    All I gots to say is . . . DB!!

    "Okay, thanks. Now I know when I'll be able to take them off my Ignore list, because their endless stream of posts without content is getting really annoying." Hear that cheese/ouchie? - quit being entertaining and start acting like uptight jerks. :roll: DB
  12. F

    Who is the biggest flopper?

    "Only way Dirk knows how to lead is to Mein Furer on Jason Terry! " LOL, Ouch!
  13. F

    Diogu's time to turn pro is probably now

    yeah but it's still fun to keep the others guessing. Unless it really is that cool and you aren't cool enough to know heh heh. :thumbup:
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    Game 7 or 1 on Sunday

    Thanks for clearing that up graham. I honestly don't know sh*t, that's why i said maybe.
  15. F

    Diogu's time to turn pro is probably now

    "don't question it, just go with it." Okay Ouchie i'll go with it. D fu*kin B! (I just hate feeling like the cool kids know something and i'm not cool enough to know :p)
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    Diogu's time to turn pro is probably now

    "db" dogs bollocks?
  17. F

    My Finals prediction

    "Eastern Conf is weak and boring." Dooooit - homer alert! Try telling that to Detroit (current champs) heh heh. I agree though, that outside of the big three (indiana inc.) there isn't much else. As for MO, i like our chances against the Spurs after seeing how they struggled with Seattle...
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    Game 7 or 1 on Sunday

    "Maybe the league wants a healthy Shaq." Maybe the playoff schedule was done ages ago and that's just how it turned out. ;)
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    east coast bias

    "However, myopia knows no geography. You only know what's in front of you on a daily basis. If you live in New Jersey, Phoenix might as well be the Sahara Desert. If you live in Phoenix, you might think the Jersey Turnpike is a nuclear morphed fish somewhere near Three-Mile Island." Exactly...
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    Vujanic tears ACL

    i think you forgot this fd - :p .
  21. F

    east coast bias

    what, do i need to spell it out for you? Actually its not as dramatic as the title suggests (sorry for that) but i just don't think (not that we don't know this already) we get much exposure round here. That's all.
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    east coast bias

    couldn't help myself - don't usually post here but i found this in an article in ESPN: "The truth is, no player's slams have so jazzed crowds or spiced up nightly highlights since Vince Carter's pre-injury aerial assaults, despite what Wade may say to the contrary." They're talking about...